Chapter 10

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We were walking for what felt like hours; my feet were aching, and I had become more paranoid about my marks due to the wind picking up; Stella kept giving me funny looks every time I adjusted my hair. There was a smattering of conversation here and there, but we mostly walked in silence. Despite loving the Winx and their company, my social battery was running low and I didn't have the energy to keep up with Bloom's energetic vibe. I'm not sure when, but I'm now walking behind the group, with Riven just a few feet ahead of me. I don't know what to think about him. Sometimes he's kind, as rare as those moments are, other's he's a whiny bitch, then he can be angry or threatening, not to mention the times he pushes me against a wall and makes out with me and leaves these really irritating marks on my neck. I chew the inside of my lip for moment before a deep, annoying voice breaks my train of thoughts.

"Hey, you alright, Princess?" Riven asks, slowing down so we're walking next to each other. I roll my eyes at him, "You roll your eyes a lot, yknow?" He says, chuckling to himself a bit. I roll them again.

"I don't really," I reply, "You're just annoying." I look up at him and he narrows his eyes at me while smiling, I smile too. God, what is wrong with me? We were arguing ten minutes ago. Our hands brush together and I quickly move mine away, pulling my arms tightly across my chest. I look up to him, he's no longer looking at me but I can see him clench his jaw.

"You cold?" He asks softly, I furrow my brow.

"I'm fine," I reply shortly. I don't understand, was he trying to be nice? Was he going to offer me his jacket? Not that he can, he's wearing his specialist suit, so he's wearing a long-sleeve shirt. I can't imagine him taking off his top for me, but the idea of him shirtless isn't too bad- What the fuck? Now I'm imagining him shirtless? I must be coming down with something, a fever, or some brain-eating parasite that makes you insane.

"Okay, let me know if that changes, yeah? The sun will be going down soon and you're wearing that," He pauses, looking down at my stupid beige t-shirt and shorts that Palladium required us to wear, "Outfit."

"Hey, we were told to wear this, not my choice, alright?" I reply, a little too defensively. He laughs and places a hand on the middle of my back.

"Hey, I'm not complaining, I just wouldn't have picked it for you."

"I wouldn't have picked it, either," I smile. He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by a high-pitched voice from the front of the pack.

"Wait guys," Bloom says, stopping the group in our tracks, "I feel something, this way!" Bloom takes off and everybody follows suit. I start running but my aching feet refuse to co-operate. I slow down to a light jog.

"Enough running for one day," I complain to myself, Riven hears and runs up to me.

"Let's go!" He says, taking my arm. I can almost see the shitty thought in his face before it comes out his mouth, "Unless, it's too much for you?" He smirks, slightly rubbing my arm, I shake him off and walk up to him, so close that I can feel his breath on my face. I narrow my eyes.

"Nothing is too much for me," I reply angrily.

"Didn't sound like it last night," Riven winks at me and I shoot him a dirty look.

"I must be great actress then," I smile at him, there's a look of surprise and intrigue on his face as he licks his lips.

"Is that a challenge, Princess?" He asks, bending down so our faces are level, his eyes flick to my lips as I feel his arm snake around my waist, for that second I was looking at his mouth, I saw the same hungry smirk I saw when we kissed. I look back up to his eyes as we stand there in silence, he leans in, I can feel my heart beat quicken, as my eyes begin to close. What am I doing? I begin to lean forward, it's an almost natural feeling, like my body is moving without any of my brains input. Our lips almost touch before the sound of running footsteps pull us apart.

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