Chapter 5

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I really couldn't be asked to go to lessons. Even though it was the first day, I was more excited to go to Red Fountain and fight with my brothers, like I did for years in the Solarian courts. I stood awkwardly outside Palladium's classroom, waiting for the Professor to arrive. The whole class was patiently leaning against the hallway walls. A quiet tapping accelerated down the corridor as the little frame of an elf, our professor, tottered up towards us. He muttered an apology about being late, stuttering over his words.

"Today," Palladium strained his voice against the loud chattering of fairies, "Um, excuse me?" He struggled to break through the noise, "Please?" It was so pathetic, I almost felt sorry for him. After a decent 30 seconds of pure embarrassment for this little elf, I rolled my eyes and slammed a book down on my table. The whole class fell silent and looked at me, I kicked my feet up on my desk and carelessly wafted my hand towards Palladium. "Oh, thank you Miss Y/s/n, shall we continue?" He cleared his throat and hopped up on his desk, "Today we will be splitting this lesson in half. The first half we shall be identifying magical plants and natural elements, and how is best to use them in casting spells," He seemed genuinely excited while telling us this, clasping his hands together and smiling gleefully, his whole demeanor changed as he told us about the second half of today's lesson. "Then we shall be escorting you to Red Fountain where you shall be learning how to fight against real threats. The boys will be your opponents." The room shifted from bordem to buzzing, everyone excited to see the boys again, especially after last night's ball. "Alright, ladies, settle down, we must begin the first half of the lesson."

It was actually alright, but being friends with a nature fairy made me less enthusiastic. Seeing as she could deal with this side of things for me if we ever did get into an altercation. Also, all the plants were defensive, where as I lead more on the offensive, attacking first and defending counter attacks. My favourite part was the plant Polythinsinus, a plant when combined with a magical blast creates a fireball. This was useful to know, so I stored in the back of my memory and continued with the lesson. Halfway through on of Palladium's sentences, Professor Cordatora bursts into our classroom, I perk head up and immediately pack up my things.

"Sorry Professor Palladium," He says, slapping the poor little elf on the back, making him drop his plants. "Gotta borrow your fairies, have a good day," He leads us all outside in a line, over to Red Fountain, as I begin hearing the sounds of blades clashing, and people scuffling I could feel the adrenaline in my veins. "I know you from somewhere, don't I?" Cordatora asked, looking at me.

"I don't think we've ever met, but I look a lot like my brother's who go here, I fight a lot like them too." 

"Really? So you're an experienced fighter?" He asked me, I nod in response, "Who's your brother?"

"There's 3," I sigh, "Xavier, Lukas and Liam." 

"Ah, they're famous. The twins for being usually rebelious and playing pranks," I let out a snort of laughter, that sounded like them, "And Xavier for being, well, the best student I've had. If you can beat him, I'd be impressed."

"So would I, I've never managed to win against him, with or without magic. One day I might."

The two of us stopped talking as we approached the sands and grasses of the training grounds. Cordatora addressed us as a group, reiterating that we may get hurt, and to deal with it. Just to avoid a school war they had healers on sight just in case someone tore off a leg, or got their eye gouged out. I immediately tackled the twins, although the fighting hadn't started yet, it's how we greet each other. They were setting up the weapons for us to use, but they were my brothers, so, who cares? We were taught painstakingly slowly, a few moves in regards to fighting. Cordatora noticed I was getting frustrated, and allowed me to enter the arena with Lukas and Liam. 

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