Chapter 15

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We all stand around Bloom in her room. She had woken up earlier to do some research into Stella's ring and why the Trix wanted it so badly. She woke us all up, raving about how she found something interesting. I'm leaning against her doorframe as she clears her throat.

"The sword of power, part of the lineal right of the Princess of the Sun and Moon of Solaris." Bloom grins. That means it belongs to you." She points at Stella. I laugh slightly as the sun fairy giggles.

"Of course it does. I could've told you that myself," She laughs, "The sword ring has been in my family for, well, forever!" I nod my head in agreement. I know almost all of Sloaris' history. When I was training to be the young Princess's bodyguard, I had to have basic knowledge, and when I finally got the job, I had to be with her wherever she went. When she fell asleep in class, I took notes for her; when she wanted to sneak off in the middle of the night to go to parties or shopping, I was there. I cannot tell you how many bathrooms I've stood outside in my short lifetime. So Bloom is just reciting all this knowledge, which I studied when I was like 14. It's sweet that she's looking into it, but I'm slightly annoyed she goes to me or even Stella first. 

"Yeah but that doesn't tell us why the witches are so eager to have it," Bloom says, crossing her arms defensively over her chest.

"Well it is important, and valuable," Flora chimes. My eyebrows knit together and I shake my head.

"The Trix aren't common criminals, there's got to be something else to it," I reply, playing with a string on my jacket.

"I did read something else about the ring," Bloom explains, "According to the legend the sword of Solaris was created a long time ago, nobody remembers when." As Bloom chews her lip I recognise her words, their from an old textbook I read while accompanying Stella to her Princess classes. I remember reading it for her during a study session before an exam. 

"It was sculpted out of a stone immersed in the spring of light, which still flows today," I recite, "And is only one of the many gifts offered by the great sacred fire." Once I'm finished I look up and see the blank faces of all the other girls, I cross my arms, "What are you all looking at? I sat in on all of Stella's Princess classes," I mumble, Stella laughs, nudging my shoulder.

"You probably know more about Solarian history than I do!" She giggles, the other girls laugh, I lovingly roll my eyes. She doesn't understand the privilege she has being next in line for the throne for one of the most powerful and influential planets in the whole of this magical dimension. But hey, I'm not too bad myself, having the General of the Solarian army as a father means we get more perks than most, it does mean, however, we hardly see him. When mum left I was mainly raised by Xavier who, of course, was suffering like the rest of us. Us kids only had ourselves during the daytime, training and fighting and studying was all we could really do until Dad got home from work.

"Uh, what is the sacred fire, exactly?" Tecna asks me. There's an odd rush of pride, I know more about something than our very own genius.

"The enchanted universe of the magical dimension as we know it, was created eons ago by the mythical dragon who sparked the sacred fire," I explain to confused faces, "In layman's terms, our universe is extremely old, so no one really knows how it began, the mythical dragon is said to have sparked the sacred fire which created our planets and magical dimension." The girls nod slowly. I raise an eyebrow, I get that I'm the muscle but I can be smart, funny, devastatingly attractive, and a badass all in one. What can I say? I'm not just the whole package, I'm the damn postal office. 

"Did the dragon exist for real or is it just a mythical symbol?" Flora asks, tilting her head to one side. I shrug, I don't have all the answers, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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