Chapter 14

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***Smut warning***

When we arrive at the Black Lagoon restaurant something immediately shifts, I can feel my hackles raising again and it all feels wrong. Something is horribly wrong.

"When we get back to Alfea, don't forget to update your tech," Musa says to Tecna, the other fairy shakes her head.

"There's wrong with my stuff, Musa," She protests, "It's this place that's wrong," Tecna lifts her gadget as Flora places her hand on the oak tree. I sniff the stale air and shake my head.

"Tecna's right," Flora says, "This place is wrong, this tree isn't breathing, it feels cold, distant even," She says sadly, looking around as if we were lost. 

"The energy is all off here, too," I agree, feeling this tightness in my chest, "It's negative, just suffocating."

"It's as if this tree never exisited, as if it's," Flora's voice trails off so I finish her sentence for her.

"All an illusion," I grimace, feeling a strong gust to wind flow through my hair, carrying the illusion with it. The tree Flora's holding wilts and rots away, revealing the dead vessel underneath. The Black Lagoon restaurant, once a decent looking building, shed's the mask and turns back into this decaying, derelict husk of a shack. But the stench of evil doesn't fade, and I have a feeling we'll find the culprits inside that shack.

"Look, it's the creepy guy again!" Musa shouts as the door creaks open further, the man who helped us find this place was standing in the doorway of run-down shithole.

"Oh at last!" He almost cheers, "We've been waiting for you, do come in." The man beckons us with the crook of his finger and I can feel my rage bubble in my stomach.

"It's a trap," Bloom gasps, covering her mouth. I roll my eyes and storm over to the door.

"Trap or not our friend is in there, and I'm not risking losing her," I snap, swinging the door open as the rest of the Winx creep in behind me, "Where'd that arsehole go?" I say, swinging my vision around the seemingly empty building. 

"Look who's here, my friends" Stella's voice cackled from the darkness, the door slams shut and I now realise who this impostor is, "I'm only here to take back what belongs to me. I want my ring. And you'd better give it to me!" She shouts, floating up towards the ceiling, she starts firing magic at us, I duck and roll behind a pile of boxes, the Winx all find some cover too.

"I am sick and tire of being your target!" Musa shouts, transforming into her fairy form.

"We can't hurt Stella!" Flora retaliates, I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"That's not Stella," I say, transforming as well, "She has no powers without her ring." The other girls nod and the rest of them transform. 

"Cleaver little fairy, time for you to know the truth-" Before the imposter can finish her sentence, I throw a sharp knife in her direction.

"Darcy," I grimace. Stella's face melts away, revealing the wicked, unmoisturised face of the most annoying member of the Trix. She performs a spell, releasing her sisters - and knut - from their invisible shells. "Oh, I am going to enjoy this," I say, creating a few weapons. Icy laughs and waggles her finger at me.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" She asks, undoing another masking spell. My eyes widen as i see my best friend, floating in the air with these energy rings surrounding her. 

"I swear, if you hurt her!" I shout, flying up towards Icy and tackling her to the ground, Stella screams, naturally I look over and Icy punches my jaw, knocking me off her body.

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