2 | Holy Fudge Balls

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I wipe my sweaty palms on my pale yellow sundress. The light material reaches my ankles to where my white Converse sit on my feet. I pull my cardigan across my chest and look up through my windshield at the tall apartment complex. It's so tall I can't even see the top of it. Not only is this place in a high-end part of New York, being almost right next to Central Park, but it's also where all the rich people live. Or so I've heard from my very few friends. And by few friends, I mean Aunty Dee.

And I'm guessing this guy is even richer than the other people who live here cause he's in a damn penthouse. I made sure to pick out my best dress for today and even gave my Converse a scrub-down to be more presentable. After all, I am a nanny. I don't need to be wearing heels and pantsuits all day every day to look after little kids.

I glance at the digital clock on my dashboard and then the analogue clock on my wrist to compare the time, even though I know the times are the same. And my mum's old watch is never wrong.

Only two more minutes until I meet my potential future boss. The ad didn't mention much about the employer, just that he was a first-time parent to a newborn baby and in desperate need of help. The experience wasn't an issue for me. My first job when I was thirteen years old was babysitting and when I realised how much I loved looking after kids I made it my full-time job after I left high school. Now I'm twenty-seven years old with nine years of experience. Go me!

As the clock ticks over to 1:27 pm, I switch off my car, get out and lock it as I walk towards the fancy entrance. My Converse are silent against the marble floors as I approach the front desk with a big smile. The woman at the front desk seems startled by my sudden appearance and full-on happy attitude, but hey, someone needs to brighten her day.

"I'm here for an interview with Mr Marino." The woman frowns with confusion before silently standing with a keycard and walking towards an elevator. She beckons for me to follow her when she notices I'm not following her.

"I have to come with you. The main hallway leads to the rooftop pool and you need a keycard to enter the penthouses." She explains quickly when she steps into the elevator with me. The carpet is plush under my Converse, and compared to her red bottom heels, I feel very out of place. "Why are there so many people coming and going from this apartment today?"

I turn to her with a slight frown, wondering why the tenant may not have told them. "Mr Marino is holding interviews for a nanny," I explain with a small kind smile.

"Shit, really? I never expected him to ever need a nanny." I cringe as she swears but she pays no mind to me and goes deep into thought.

"Why do you say that?" I know I shouldn't be pushing and should just find out for myself but I can't help but be curious.

"Because I've never seen Adriano Marino with a woman other than his two sisters who occasionally visit. One of them has a baby who's almost one year old. But I never expected him to have a child."

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