4 | Getting To Know Eachother

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A car door slamming shut startles me from my sleep. I jerk up from my sleeping position against the window and wince slightly at the kink in my neck. Adriano situates himself in the leather seat and buckles his seat belt. Hadley is already in her seat, buckled in.

Glancing out the window, I see a mixture of pinks and oranges swirl in the sky. I look down at my watch and frown. We've been here for hours.

"Is everything okay? You were gone for three hours." I asked in a concerned voice. Adriano huffs in annoyance and turns to me with a deadly stare on his face. My heart freezes in my chest. God, he looks... terrifying. Just like... No, don't go there, May.

"Do I need a fucking reason to take three hours?" He snaps before demanding his driver to take us somewhere. Where? I have no idea. I'm too busy trying to process his words. Adriano turns away from me, resting his elbow on the door handle and looking out the window.

"Adriano," I say softly, trying to get his attention. Despite the need to throw up from the harsh words that just came out of his mouth, I try to remain level-headed. He slowly turns to me, again with the same look on his face as before. I look up at him and blink slowly. "Please don't talk like that to me." My voice fails me. It comes out weak and hoarse as I plead him. His demeanour breaks slightly but he turns away before I barely see it even happen.

• • • • • • •

The hotel is just like everything this man owns. Fancy.

Before we arrived we went back to Melanie's and grabbed everything that was left for Hadley. I have no idea what Adriano wants to do with the rest of her stuff. But because he's in a horrible mood, I'm not even going to ask.

I've been tip-toeing around Adriano ever since he snapped at me. He hasn't spoken a word to me since but if he's able to get so wound up at a single question, who knows what he's like trying to talk to while in a mood.

I dropped my bag on the couch in the hotel room, as well as the other two bags I was carrying full of baby clothes. Melanie must have been really excited to be a mother based on how much stuff she brought. All the toys, clothes and other accessories filled the back of the SUV right up. Some things even had to be put in the cabin of the car and sit on our laps or at our feet.

Hadley sits in her carrier next to the coffee table in the living room. She's awake after sleeping for a few hours and is intently watching me move around the large two-bedroom hotel room.

Adriano must have a boatload of money because almost every person working here treated him like royalty. Asking if they could take his bags, two men even rushed to take the keys off the driver, sending each other dirty glares where Adriano gave them a disapproving look. One even asked if I wanted help carrying Hadley up to our room. I politely declined.

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