5 | Sunshine

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The flight back to New York went by quickly. Hadley slept most of the way and thankfully didn't cry during the flight. Emery, Aria and Enzo's daughter, was infatuated with the little girl and was gentle and quiet while she admired the infant.

The drive to Adriano's apartment was silent as I watched each building the car passed. The large SUV pulls up in front of a large business building and Adriano opens his door to get out.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, already undoing my seatbelt and reaching over to undo Hadley's.

"I need to pick up my laptop and some paperwork. I'm going to work from home for a few days." He picks up Hadley before I get the chance and closes the door behind him.

Once again the building is fancy, even the elevator we take up to whatever floor is fancy. We step out into a shared office space, where two people are working. One a woman and one a man.

It's clear Adriano tries to avoid them, moving quickly to the left but a little squeal which came from the man stops him dead in his tracks.

"Is that your little girl?" He squeals again, jumping up from his seat and clapping his hands together in excitement. I already like him.

"Will you be quiet, she's sleeping." Adriano hushed him. The man stops his actions altogether, a blush forming on his cheeks after being told off. "May, this is Adam," He says, nodding towards the man. "And this is Kayla."

I wave to both of them. Kayla doesn't even look at me, as she's too busy looking at Adriano and Hadley. "Since when did you have a damn child?" She says quietly, standing from her desk and walking over to Adriano. She's stunning now that I'm looking at her closer.

"As of about three days ago." He tells her. She turns to me, her eyes raking down the length of my body, taking in my yellow sundress and Converse. A smile of approval forms on her face as she looks back at Adriano.

"And I'm guessing she's the mother?"

"Oh god no." "Definitely not." Me and Adriano speak over each other at the same time. Kayla nods slowly. She mutters a quiet 'okay'.

A door at the end of the room opens and my heart stops as I take in the size of the man, ducking under the doorway. If I thought Adriano looked dangerous, then this man is death itself.

He pauses just outside the doorway and takes in the sight of Adriano holding a baby. Then he looks at me standing next to him. I can already tell what he's probably thinking but it's hard to tell by his blank face.

"Yes, I have a kid now, Dom. Another little girl to climb all over you." Adriano smirks smugly. Dom just shakes his head and starts to walk towards. I cower and move closer to Adriano as Dom steps past me and heads for the elevator.

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