11 | Venice

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The April air is slightly cool as I step off the plane in Venice. It's been about a month since Adriano got the call from Adam, telling him that Aldina and Giana were hosting the launch party in Venice for their new line as business partners.

Hadley has gotten enough strength in her neck and back that she is sitting up in Adriano's arms and curiously looking around as she past her stuffed giraffe that's wedged between her and her dad. I tighten my grip on Daisy's leash when she tries to run down the steps and take me with her.

Just as I step out of the plane, onto the private tarmac, a wave of nerves fall over me when I notice just how many guards there are surrounding the plane. All dresses in black, and armed.

"Don't pay any attention to them, Sunshine. They're here to keep us safe." Adriano whispers into my ear. I calm down slightly but I still have that eerie feeling as I eye the guns strapped to the men. Never once did I think I'd become a nanny for a high-profile client. A client who has an army behind them. Dani skips past me, with a big smile on her face, straight towards the multiple cars that are waiting for us.

I look past the cars and towards the gates of the private airstrips and my throat dries up at the sight of about fifty people, all pressed up against the gate with cameras in their hands.

"They're mainly looking for Aria, Alessia and Dani. You don't need to worry about them either." He whispers again.

I turn and look up at him, a conflicted feeling running through my body. "I think you and I need to have a serious conversation about what your family does for a living." Never have I seen a family of fashion designers need so many guards.

Adriano ignores my statement and guides me towards one of the many large black SUVs and holds the door open for me. He hands me Hadley and I place her in her car seat. Andre is already sitting in the front, weaving a gaming chip between his fingers. Daisy sits down at my feet, her tail wagging as she strains her neck to look at Hadley in her car seat.

Adriano jumps in shortly after and hands me a blanket, telling me to throw it over the top of Hadley's seat. I do as I'm told and drape the thin blanket over Hadley's seat. The car starts to move and I find myself getting nervous as we get closer to the crowd.

The automated gate rolls open but the crowd seems to know better than to pour out onto the tarmac. Bright lights flash through the dark tinted windows and all the people yell over each other. I tilt my head down, my curls shielding my face from the cameras.

The car slows down so it doesn't hit anyone but eventually, we make our way onto the main road as the crowd is left behind. I pull the blanket off Hadley and she smiles up at me with a gummy smile, obviously thinking I was playing a game with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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