6 | Moving in

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Sunshine. She's the epitome of sunshine and I'm guessing she is going to make my life just a little bit brighter. Her bright dresses and her curly hair. Yeah, Sunshine works just fine.

Hadley sits against my chest in a baby carrier. She looks up at me curiously with wide eyes as I help May pack all her shit into boxes. I've finally convinced her to fully move in with me after a month of sleeping in my apartment and going back a forth to her apartment to get her mail. Every night Hadley woke up crying and while I was there most times, May was the only one who was able to calm her.

"Do you want this?" I ask holding up a teddy bear that was sitting on the couch. It looks a bit worn out but I'm still going to ask. May looks up from the bank documents that she's pulling out of some drawer.

She gasps and stands. "Not Mr. Buttons." She runs over to me and pulls the bear out of my grasp and holds it close to her chest. "My dad gave this to me." She pouts and looks down at the bear.

My eyes widen. "Shit. I'm sorry May. I didn't-"

She shakes her head before shooting me a stern look, but the reprimand in her gaze is short-lived until a large smile breaks out on her face. "Stop swearing, but it's fine. But, yes, Mr. Buttons stays." She tells me, handing the bear back to me before going back to her documents. I place the bear down in the box and continue to place other things in the boxes.

"We also have to get Hadley's immunisations done soon," May says, not looking up from the papers in her hand. Fear sinks in my gut as I think of the needles. When I don't say anything or even grunt in response, she looks up.

"Oh, are you like... anti-vaccinations?" She says warily. When I shake my head quickly she frowns and tilts her head to the side, the giant bun that sits on top of her head flopping to the side as well. It's almost like a light bulb goes off in her head as her eyes widen and she starts to laugh. A hearty, full noise that's almost as contagious as a baby's.

"Are you scared of needles?" I feel my cheeks burn. Am I fucking blushing? "And he's blushing too." Her beautiful laugh fills the small apartment and she drops the paper in her hand before wrapping them around her stomach.

"What? They're scary." I winge like a fucking child, turning to the small bookshelf to fiddle with all her cookbooks.

"But you're covered in tattoos." She tries to reason through each laugh. I scowl slightly at her lighthearted jab and briefly glance down at the tattoos running down the length of my arms.

"Yeah, but tattoos are fun. Vaccines aren't." I try to reason back. I'm covered in ink. My arms and legs are mostly covered. So is my back and the front of my torso. The first tattoo I ever got was the mafia insignia over my heart and I was shit scared when my father forced me into the chair. My old man might as well as had a gun to my head with the way I was acting but after that day I enjoyed the way the subtle pain would cancel out any of my worries. Even if it was only for a few hours.

"So you don't want Hadley to get her vaccines because you don't want to get them either because you're behind on them, aren't you?" She teases. I hate her. I really hate her.

"No." I lie but it's clear to her that I'm lying.

"Oh, this is going to be so good. I'm going to get a ton of pictures and then use them as blackmail when you don't want to change Hadley's nappy." She smirks in triumph.

I hate her.

• • • • • • •

After May made us dinner and I put Hadley to sleep, successfully without May's help, might I add, I helped May cart all her things into the only other spare bedroom in my apartment.

I help her unpack all her things, starting with her clothes which are mostly dresses, there are only a few shorts and jeans and even fewer shirts. The rest were either jumpers or those cardigans that she'd made.

She tells me to organise by the rainbow, whatever that means, so instead of asking her and possibly annoying her, I take one red item and follow it with one orange item and continue on with the colours until I reach the end of the rainbow and then start all over again, repeating the process.

By the time I'm done and hung everything up in her walk-in closet, I move on to the next box. Everything in here seems like it goes into her bedside table. I take the box over and start placing things neatly in the drawers.

I'm in my own world, thinking about work and the assholes who stole all that shit as well as the codes that Enzo desperately wants, but I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I pick up a stick wrapped in some kind of silicone material. It has a natural bend to it and a flared head. It has a few buttons on it and as I press one, it seems to turn on and make a buzzing sound.

My eyes widen in surprise when I finally realise what it is. I look over to May with a smirk on my face. She was rummaging through more clothes but her head finally shoots up at the noise. Her eyes widen and she stands up and runs over to me, snatching the vibrator out of my hands.

"Oh my goodness, that is so embarrassing." She runs a hand through her hair as she quickly turns it off and throws it into the nearest box. She turns to me with a red face and I can't help but laugh loudly even though Hadley is in the next room.

"Shut up, Adriano. That was embarrassing." She scolds me, her face going an even darker red. When I laugh harder and lean into the box for support, she groans in frustration. "Okay, a girl has needs. I'm sure almost every woman who is single out there has one."

I finally come down from my laughing fit and start putting more things away. May goes back to unpacking her things, her face still a bright red. I can't stop thinking about the vibrator in my hands. What it would look like in her hands as she played with herself. Or what it could look like in my hands as I played with her. My dick twitches in my pants at the mere thought and I suppress the urge to groan.

Stop. Fucking. Thinking. About. Her.

After I finish unpacking the box, I stand at the end of the bed and watch as she places her shoes away. My body is wound tight from my unholy thoughts about my daughter's nanny but the more I watch her, the tighter my own skin seems to feel.

I want nothing more than to play out those thoughts, but she's here for one reason only and that is to help me with my daughter. So instead of inviting her to my bed, I say,

"I'll see you in the morning."


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