9 | Dead and Without a Head

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My head shoots up from my laptop when I hear the front door unlock. It's about 7 pm and May's only just getting back from hanging out with her aunt. Hadley is lying down on the couch next to me in that little U-shaped pillow thing that Melanie had lying around in her apartment.

She's wearing one of the new onesies that my sisters brought for her today. When I told them that she already had so many clothes, they proceeded to shove the bag into my hands and say 'a girl can never have too many clothes'. I'm guessing that was what Melanie believed too.

"Sorry, I'm late." I can hear the smile in her voice and that makes me smile as well. Damn, this woman. I look over my shoulder, the smile still on my face but it falls into a frown when I look at her. Her hair is in a braid and filled with flowers. But she has the biggest smile on her face. She looks so happy. "My aunt wanted to finish doing my hair and then we went and hung out at an adoption shelter for dogs."

And as if on cue, something wet touches my bare foot. My head shoots down and I see a four-legged creature with blonde fur with its nose to the ground and walking right through my lounge room.

"There's a dog in my apartment," I tell her like an idiot. I don't know what to think. I've never had a pet and I've never thought of having one either. "Sunshine, why is there a dog in my apartment?" I watch as it comes back to the couch where Hadley is and panic starts to set in.

"He was giving me the sad puppy eye." She says softly and she walks over. As the dog goes to put its massive front paws up on the couch, I shoot my arm between it and Hadley.

It has one eye.

That's the first thing I notice, and then I notice it starting to sniff my arm. It then reaches over and sniffs the top of Hadley's head before placing a soft lick and then leaning its heavy head on my arm. It looked up at me with its one eye and I swear to god, I was sure the dog smiled at me.

"She's cute isn't she," May says as she comes up behind the dog and tickles its sides. It bounces off the couch with an insane amount of energy and starts playing with May, weaving between her legs and jumping up at her.

"Is it allowed to be in here?" I ask. I didn't even know pets were allowed in the building.

"Yeah, I called the desk before I even chose to adopt her. As long as she doesn't bark too much and isn't a nuisance, she'll be allowed to stay."

"What about Hadley?" I ask. On cue, my daughter starts to stir and cry. I gently pick her up and cradle her to my chest. She quiets down almost immediately.

When I look back up at May, she's watching as I hold Hadley with a soft smile on her face. "Golden retrievers are great family pets. They're amazing with kids."

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