10 | Daisy

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My mind wakes up before my body. The first thing that comes to mind is the moment between Adriano and I from last night and I can't help myself from smiling at the memory. I roll over onto my back and check my bedroom door.

It's opened further than what it was when I went to bed but the heavy weight at my feet is explanation enough. I nudge the puppy's side a little, waking her up. She crawls to my side before flopping down and releasing a heavy sigh.

I laugh quietly at her antics and stroke her soft fur. My hand makes contact with something and I frown. I dig whatever was in her fur out. A small, crumpled daisy sits in the palm of my hand.

"It must have fallen out of my hair when I brought you home," I say to myself out loud. I look down at the puppy next to me and smile. "Daisy."

Her ears perk up in recognition and her head tilts to the side.

"Yeah, your name is Daisy."

The puppy, Daisy, jumps from the bed, seemingly excited and pleased with her name before shooting out the door. I follow shortly after her and find that Adriano is already awake.

He cradles Hadley in one arm and attempts to make coffee with the other hand. When he catches me watching him with acute amusement, he smiles sheepishly like a little boy being caught doing the wrong thing.

"Let me take her." I offer, rubbing sleep from my eyes and he graciously accepts. I quickly make her a bottle when she starts to fuss.

While I feed Hadley, Adriano makes both of us a cup of coffee each and starts making some breakfast. He's not wearing a full suit today, just a pair of black slacks and a black button-up shirt.

"I've thought of a name for the puppy," I announce as I take a seat at the kitchen counter. Adriano turns to face me, giving me his full attention. "I was thinking Daisy. This morning I found a crumpled daisy from the day I got her and I thought it was quite fitting." I smile broadly before looking down at the two-month-old, gently prying her lips open to take the bottle.

"Very fitting." He agrees before turning back to the stove. I lean back on the bar stool, keeping a firm hold on Hadley as she drinks from her bottle. I can't help but think about that man at the restaurant. I swear he seemed like a nice person.

"Why do you want me to stay away from that man?" I couldn't stop the words from slipping from my lips. Adriano freezes over the frypan, spatula hanging in the air. Slowly, he turns around to face me with a nervous expression.

"May, can we not do this now?" He says softly, obviously trying to dodge this conversation.

I start to grow a little bit irritated. "Well if you're asking me to stay far away from someone, surely there has to be a good reason."

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