8 | Aunty Dee

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I wake up slowly and am blinded by the light pouring through the windows and I curse myself for not shutting them before falling asleep. Just a single shift of my head has me instantly regretting any and all decisions I made last night. The rhythmic thumping in my head throws me off balance. I don't remember a single thing from last night. Just that I poured a glass of bourbon and started a fire.

I must have dragged my ass back to bed after I ran out of liquor to drink. With a groan, I sit up in my bed, the sheets falling down to my waist with the movement. I suddenly remember that I'm not wearing a shirt, and hope that May didn't wake up during the night and find me in such a state. Especially because I'm making it my life's mission to keep Hadley and May out of my world.

I stare down at my family's insignia that's tattooed over my heart. The first tattoo I ever got and it's the one I hate the most.

With a sigh, I force myself out of bed. I should have been awake hours ago. I stumble into my ensuite bathroom and rummage through the top drawer for some kind of pain relief. I eventually find some and swallow them dry before washing my face with some cold water.

I need coffee and a shower. In that order. I tug on a fresh T-shirt from my wardrobe before making my way out to the kitchen. The smell of bacon and eggs hits my nose and I realise that I'm also hungry. I didn't get to finish my dinner last night thanks to my brother's unwelcomed interruption.

May wanders around my kitchen, her back to me, with Hadley in her baby bouncer on top of the counter. I take note of what May's wearing and resist the urge to groan at the sight. A small white tank top and equally as small light blue sleep shorts.

Day by day, I find it harder to resist her. Harder to just simply be near her. I watch as she contently stares down at the frying pan, coffee cup in one hand and a spatula in the other. She shoves an egg onto the spatula before carefully transferring it to a plate on the counter.

She finally turns around to check on Hadley but stops short when she spots me. A quiet, shocked gasp leaves her lips before a small smile plays on her lips. This damn woman is going to be the death of me.

"Morning," She says quietly. God, she's so beautiful. Giana was right on so many levels. By the volume of her voice, I immediately assume she knows of my immature actions last night.

"Hey, Sunshine." I manage a weak smile as I slowly walk closer to her. As I walk into the kitchen, May already has a cup of coffee and a plate of breakfast ready for me, plus two Advil. I laugh quietly before informing her that I've already taken something for my headache. "I didn't do anything too bad last night, did I?"

I squint and look over at May and her blank expression. She only shakes her head, a quiet 'no' falling from her lips.

"I woke up around midnight and wanted to go get some water but I heard your music. I found you half asleep with a glass in your hand, so I helped you get into bed. I didn't think you'd want to sleep in a chair." Her teasing smile forces another weak smile out of me. For the first time since I've met her, I actually can't tell if she's lying or not. I'm known to do some pretty stupid things while drunk.

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