3 | My Little Girl

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I steal glances at the woman next to me, and I can't help but think how stupid I am. She is the epitome of pure sunshine and happiness. From her bright coloured dresses that I've seen her in, to her blonde, curly hair and freckle-covered nose. She stares out the tinted windows of the car as my driver takes us to Melanie's apartment.

From the moment she was about to knock on the door to my apartment to the moment she sat down at my dining table, I completely lost it. All rational thoughts about how to properly handle this situation, but at the same time, the moment I saw her, everything just seemed easier.

There wasn't an odd tension in the air. My sister was no longer grilling the applicants or blatantly staring at them as if she wanted to throw them out the window of the penthouse.

I thought I was just distracted by how unbelievably gorgeous the woman in front of me was, but then when Aria came out of the bathroom, she was also immediately happier. She felt it too. May is just easier in every way. Her smile, her walk, her ability to ease me in one of the most stressful times of my life.

May's drop-dead gorgeous and I hate it. But she was, A, the most experienced nanny that I interviewed yesterday and, B, she was also the first one to not hit on me. Sure there was a moment when I opened the front door, where she seemed to be in a daze but she quickly switched to a more professional demeanour and stuck to it.

I didn't ask nearly as many questions as I asked the other women yesterday, simply because she wears her heart on her sleeve and is the easiest person I've ever read. And she had the most detailed resume.

I already regret hiring her knowing that I'm going to have a hard time keeping my hands off her, but I know for a fact that she was the best option out of the ten other women. We pull up in front of Melanie's apartment and nerves start to twist in my gut.

Maybel, or May, has already jumped out of the SUV as I work up the courage and open the car door. May and I walk up to Melanie's apartment in silence. Fishing the keys the police gave me earlier today out of my pocket, I unlocked the apartment that I know oh so well.

The place is quiet and dark, which worsens my already sour mood. When I first walk through the door, I'm greeted with a laundry basket full of baby clothes for a little girl.

So she even knew it was a girl. I don't know whether to feel angry with Melanie or not. As I move into the living room, with May right behind me, I take in the baby toys, more clothes and even a car seat. Which is exactly what I was looking for.

Picking it up I turn it on different angles, trying to figure out how the thing works.

"It's both a carrier and a car seat. It locks underneath, so the base stays in the car and you can take the carrier out." She gently takes the seat off of me and demonstrates how to take it off its base by pressing on the locking mechanism on either side of the seat.

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