Chapter 16

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[Jan 13th 2022]

"I can't believe they're making you go to school!" Finn complained, all three of us have been staying in my home since it would give us some privacy. "The world is still turning even after something tragic, Sweetie." I muttered, eyes hazy and trying to focus on tying the school tie.

"Here," Evs came over and helped me, "all done, MoonBud." They gave me a quick kiss and leaned on my chest. "But Finn is right," He made a gesture, "Can't we just not go?" They pouted.

"We could if we want Father to be on our asses." They shook their head and got off, they picked up their bookback and put it on. They leaned on Finn and kissed him on the check.

"See you later," I made my way to the door, "We'll be back I promise." Everett kissed him again and came over. "Love you both!" We mimicked and closed the door gently.

The car ride was silent with Father, I thanked him as we got off, and made our way to the classroom. People were muttering around us and it made Everett queasy, so I glared at them. We finally made it to our classroom and sat down on our respective chairs.

I felt Tabby's eyes on me, I turned around and gave her a harsh look. I turned back around and dug through my bag and took out the plan.

I stood up and I put it on Ms.Watts desk and sighed, "Here's the plan. We finished it after that." Her eyes widened and before she could speak I went back to my seat. Evs leaned over, "You okay? Edin?" I looked at them and shrugged.

"The Inversion still going on in my head," I mumbled out, "blocked memories came back." I felt their hand on my back, rubbing it up and down. Ms.Watts heels clicked on the floor and we separated. She explained the Plan of one of our field trips, we plan on going to Lake Tahoe.

"All thirty-five of you will need to pitch in! In order for this," She held up the folder, "to be executed." I felt an overwhelming sense of heat washing over me. I put my head down on my desk and started to hold my breath.

"Edin?!" I heard the teacher yell, I felt my body retracted in itself. I heard her screaming for the others to get out, but I still felt Ev's Core in here. I felt my grip on my magic slip even further from me, and I yelled at them.

"Get Out! Get Out! Out!!" And they finally did, I let go and let myself succumb to the feralness. I felt nothing, and I felt my mind become quieter and quieter.

"Is Edin okay? Are they?" I heard Father's booming voice asking- no. He's begging, I chuckled. This is the first time I heard him beg.

I felt him grab my hand and squeeze it, I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and it was Anthony, Pops. I looked around the hospital room.

"Finn? Everett?" I croaked out, my voice weak and raspy. I tried to sit up but I was stopped, I plopped down on the bed and started crying.

"Kiddo, they freaked out," I tilted my head, "they had to be escorted out of the room until you woke up." I giggled. I asked what happened, Anthony responded with the stress of school and the trip needing to be done. That it must've been overwhelming and triggered my Core into needing it has to protect myself.

They left letting Finn and Evs come in, I struggled to sit upright and they helped me. Everett immediately took my left side and curled up in a ball. Finn started asking questions regarding what made me go Feral.

"It's been seen in other Shifters that have P.I.S.S," I rubbed the back of Evs, "and I believe since I've never truly went Feral before, because Vega saved me, then it responded heavily.. in.. the...Inversion and now." I finished explaining my own reasoning for it.

"That would make a lot of sense." He started going off onto magical medical topics, diving heavily into my syndrome and the pair of it, P.I.M.S, it was fun and quite informative. A knock interrupted him, and a Healer came through.

"Edin Shaw," I waved, "We found the cause of it, you've been categorized as having Pre-Invoked Shifting Syndrome, correct?" I nodded, I wonder if my own guess was correct.

"You were the first in medical history," I was, "to not ever go in some sort of Feral state of mind-." I interrupted him, "Spit it out, you're taking forever." He nodded and looked at his clipboard.

"The Inversion has triggered you into going Feral," He tapped his pen, "and since that Sadism Demon, Vega, saved you a long time ago before you had a chance then it was gathering up. And finally released after all these years." I groaned, so I was right.

"Does it upset you?" The Healer asked, I shook my head, "I guessed correctly, kinda annoyed that I already knew." He nodded and left, I assume he's going to tell Father.

"Staying home after this?" Everett spoke up, "You can if you want to but I won't." Finn glared at me, and I pulled him into a kiss.

" 'School is very important,' you say," I looked at his flustered face, "and I agree." I heard Evs giggling. I looked at them, a beautiful smile. We stayed there silent until they had to leave, they both kissed me goodbye.

"Want me to get rid of the feeling causing this?" Vega popped out of nowhere, I looked at him and shook my head. "Need to deal with this on my own. But thanks for asking me." He floated over me.

"Acting so weird after the Inversion," He chuckled out, "aren't you strange?" I looked at him, "And Aren't you old." I remarked. I heard him gasping.

"Cruel and untrue accusations," He began twisting his head in a circular motion, "how awful of you Little Star." The noise caused me to shudder, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"You know you're a liar!" I continued my assault of pillows while he dodge them all and put them next to me. It felt relieving after all these years, I still loved him as a father figure but I think I need to connect with the one I have.

Before Vega left he placed all the pillows back and brought me school supplies, still got to hustle in this damned life. 

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