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Dear reader, one thing that you ought to know about me is that I have major trust issues. Throughout my middle and high school years I have learnt the hard way to never let people get too close to myself, with the fear that they will one day use my weaknesses and exploit me emotionally to get what they want. Therefore in order to remain a good person in this cunning manipulative world, I have learnt to protect myself while not stooping to other's low levels of cheating, lying and exploiting. In some ways, I have become a guarded pillar, allowing others to get close enough, helping people the right amount, but never accept help in fear of them asking something in return. It's a simple system really, but it shows the little hope I have left in humanity.

Knowing this, I imagine you can understand the UTTER MORTIFICATION I am feeling at this moment that I pretty much spilled my entire past to a loyal customer/ K-pop idol that I swore to myself to always keep at an arm's length distance.

Feeling like sinking in a hole and deleting my existence, I sat up abruptly when I heard a notification pop up on my phone. I have a new follower on instagram, apparently.

I clicked onto said person's profile, username @g.o.d.njrmk. This person is apparently quite secretive, a private account with no profile photo. I do not think much of it, as I do get some randos who follow my account from time to time. I just hope to god that they actually like my work, and that they are not a bot.

My phone dinged again with a message request from @g.o.d.njrmk.

"Annyeonghaseyo i-ji-ssi.

You're probably wondering who I am. I'm Kim Namjoon, or RM of BTS. Yoongi-hyung had shown me your account, and I would just like to say, your pieces are amazing. I was wondering if you take commission, or if you are currently selling your work. I would love to work with you for album covers and/or shoots, or even to buy/commission your artwork for personal collection. I hope you do not find my message imposing. It was nice to 'meet' you 🙂


I read, and re-read the message. There's no way this could be a scam, right? The sender said things that would line-up- yes, Yoongi-ssi had acquired my instagram account (The public art one of course, I still have major trust issues) just last night, and yes it would not be weird that he may have shared it with a member who's love for contemporary art is known in such a short amount of time because 1. They're probably incredibly close, and they work together 2. It would've been weirder if 'RM' contacted me a few weeks/few months later as my art account would technically still be fresh in Yoongi-ssi's mind..

Fuck it. I haven't had much luck with commission since I graduated anyway. It was worth a try~ besides, I can always ask them to pay half first, then pay the rest when I deliver the work. It wouldn't be too much of a loss if the person did back out- and I'm excited to begin a new project.

I typed back to @g.o.d.njrmk, replying that I would be honoured to, giving him my business email so that we could discuss further the plans for our collaboration.

His reply was swift, opting to immediately continue the discussion in an incoming email from

My phone dinged once again, not from @g.o.d.njrmk, but a text from 편의점 아저씨 [pyeon-uijeom ajeossi- meaning:convenience store man]

{편의점 아저씨

Did you get a message from Namjoon? I was scrolling over

your art acc today and he was really interested in your stuff]


Yes. I thought it was a scam. I had the panic attack of my life,

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