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One month later

The D-Day notification of my countdown calendar is the first thing that greets me this morning when I woke up.

Today is the day that Yoongi-oppa is coming back from tour. I'd begged and begged for him to tell me what time his chartered flight was, but he'd insisted on making it a surprise.

What a way to make a girl wait.

Alas, Life Goes On. (hardy har.)

I still had my job at the salon, and the shift at the convenience store later.

My life doesn't revolve around him. I'm a busy, independent woman, I thought indignantly to my reflection as I brushed my teeth.


You're a baddie, I thought, as I busied myself with rinsing down the sink.

Min Yoongi isn't important. So what he's coming back any moment? He's been on tour for months. It's just like any other day.

I yelped as I felt water spray all over the front of my shirt.

You're unaffected by this, I-ji.



I sighed for the millionth time today as I slouched behind the counter, staring outside the glass store window absentmindedly.

Suddenly the bell jingled, prompting me to shoot out of my seat.

A massive bouquet of Larch Flowers, Rose mellow and birds of paradise greeted me. When the smiling face of my boss popped out behind the flowers though, I couldn't lie, I deflated a little.

"Wah. sa-jang-nim[boss], the flowers are so pretty! A gift from your husband?"

She chuckled,

"Nono my dear. In fact, I was given very strict instructions to deliver these to you~" she winked.

"Oh and by the way, you're done for the night. I'll take over from here. You have other pressing matters to attend to," she added mischievously, gesturing at the note planted amongst the pretty flowers.

I bit back a smile as I felt the giddiness from earlier creep back with full force. Oh Min Yoongi, you're the death of me.

"Gamsahamnida [감사합니다; meaning:thank you], I hope you have a good evening, sa-jang-nim[boss], I'll leave now." I thanked her with fervour, eager to start my little adventure.

"Go, go!" she ushered me, with a knowing grin lingering on her kind visage.

Once outside, I opened the note with shaking hands.

"Hello my love," it read. "I hope you liked the flowers. Let's go on a trip down memory lane. Shall we?"

I giggled softly. This better not be what I think it is. A treasure hunt? Yoongi-oppa should cool off from those k-dramas.

"It started at this convenience store, so it's only appropriate that your first clue be hidden here. Let's start off simple. Where did we tap off our ashes for the first time?"

And there it was, under the ashtray on the outdoor seating bay, the place where we spent countless nights talking about anything under the sun, inhaling puff after puff of cigarette smoke.

The note unfolded to show 4 numbers: 2-3-7-3. What is it? I wracked my brain. A password? The password to Genius Lab!

When I got to the HYBE building, I was welcomed by one of the security guards, who seemed to know what was happening. Knowing smiles were shot at me whenever I passed anyone in the building. Shy and embarrassed at the attention, I nodded and smiled back, blush spreading from my cheeks to my neck.

As expected, I got into Genius Lab with no trouble at all. There on the sofa, where we passed out together, laid a cheeky note:

"I'm craving pineapple buns. Are you?" it read.

Of course he did.


I thanked the taxi driver, exiting the car. I was a few steps away from that specific tree, when I was greeted by a pathway of lit tea candles- our secluded little spot turning into a light filled alcove.

Stood in the middle of it all was the mastermind behind everything. There Yoongi waits, a soft smile on his face as I approached.

He praises, "My I-ji is so smart, I knew you'd get my clues."

"Seriously? A treasure hunt? I didn't expect you to be so into the kdrama-boyfriend archetype." I said, sassy as ever.

"I missed you," we blurt at the same time, not a second to spare. We giggled.

I gazed fondly into his eyes that mirrored mine, crinkled at the edges from the uncontrollable smiles that spread over our faces as we finally reunited.

Yoongi-oppa clears his throat.

"By the way, no, I'm not trying to fulfil the kdrama boyfriend archetype. I would rather be the kdrama husband archetype."

With that, he got down on one knee and asked the question, "I-ji-ah, will you marry me?"

I stood there, with open eyes and a hand over my gaping mouth, like the cliche that this entire situation was. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. My past understanding of relationships told me that it was too soon, but in that moment, I had never felt more sure when I exclaimed,

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!"

Yoongi slid a huge diamond ring on my finger, then immediately picked me up and spun me around, wrapped tight in his embrace. No words needed to be spoken, the synced wavelengths of our beating hearts sending the message to each other: "I love you."

We finally kissed, by the river, under the moonlight, with the flickering lights of a hundred candles and a new weight on my finger. I love Min Yoongi with every beat of my heart. I will love him for every day that I should live. I adore him with my entire existence; I cherish him with my entire being. Just the thought of spending the rest of my life with him sent my mind into a state of euphoria.

Calming down from the nerves and excitement, Yoongi-oppa suddenly sulked, "We have to clean up now. As much as I want to stay here forever, the company made me promise we wouldn't stay here for long. Apparently all the candles could draw some unnecessary attention." He rolled his eyes, lips pouting slightly to show his displeasure.

I smiled, stroking his cheek, "It's alright. We have all the time in the world at home. Thank you, oppa."

He returned a gentle smile of his own.

After calming down and cleaning up the space, on the way home Yoongi-oppa told me, thumbing the back of my hand as he held it in my lap, "By the way, I asked your parents for your hand before I left, in London."

I felt my heart swell with pride and happiness, if that were even possible, although I did not expect anything less from Yoongi. He loved me with all his being, and I him, and he wanted to do everything right, because it was important to the both of us. 

a/n: Nearing the end! If it seems a bit rushed, I'm sorry. I'll try to do better in my next story *wink*

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