Twenty (FINAL)

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Narrator/Third Person POV

Two years later

I-ji and Yoongi had decided to remain engaged for the past two years. They were both sure that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with the other, but with the continuous BTS activities and I-ji's career, they decided to wait until they were both ready to tie the knot.

By now, I-ji has gotten her license as a Hair colourist and has begun her practice in Seoul. Although her original plan was to go back to London, it changed when she realised she didn't want to be apart from Yoongi.

They now share a 3-bedroom apartment, with two of the rooms as respective studios for them both. They did, however, install a door between the two rooms so they could work simultaneously in each other's presence. I-ji's career as a fine artist and fashion designer has also skyrocketed, thanks to V's continuous endorsement of her wearable pieces and RM's public admiration for the paintings he commissioned. The only person who's prouder than I-ji's mother is Yoongi, who thinks I-ji's hard work and talent had finally gotten the recognition it deserved. With her success in these fields, she is able to support herself financially, along with regular trips back to London.

BTS's already worldwide success had now further grown, making them a household name, and I-ji is, of course, Yoongi's greatest fan. (Yes, she does tease him with Yoongi Marry Me, it's only fitting, no?)

They decide to have a small, simple wedding on Jeju Island, with family and close friends. Yoongi flew I-ji's parents and extended family from London to attend the wedding. I-ji's parents are especially excited about the trip. It had been a while since they took a trip back to Asia.

Yoongi shook with anticipation as he waited at the altar. J-hope, his best man, places a hand on his shoulder. The rest of Bangtan awaits the bride's arrival by his side.

At the opposite end of the venue, I-ji also shook with excitement as her friend from beauty school added the finishing touches to her makeup. Her mother regarded her with teary eyes and a proud smile. She fixes her veil, kissing I-ji on the cheek through her tears of joy.

"My baby's all grown up," she says. 

"Slipping through my fingers all the time," she sang in her beautiful voice, referencing Meryl Streep's Donna from Mamma Mia.

I-ji joins her.

"I try to capture every minute

The feeling in it

Slipping through my fingers all the time

Do I really see what's in her mind

Each time I think I'm close to knowing

She keeps on growing

Slipping through my fingers all the time."

Mother and daughter both let out bittersweet, strangled sobs. Time truly passes by in the blink of an eye.

"Alright, alright, I can't have you crying before you step out. What will your groom think?" chided I-ji's mother, dabbing away at her daughter's teary cheeks while ignoring the identical streaks down her own.

I-ji laughs, grabbing a tissue, "You too, Mummy. You're always like this; taking care of me first and forgetting about yourself," she retorts, doing the same for her mother.

Her father, who was silently observing their exchange at the corner of the room, simply smiled. I-ji then turned to her father, spreading her arms, "Daddy, hug?"

Tears welled up in their eyes again at the embrace. I-ji reminded herself to hug her father more often. They weren't the best at expressing affection, so the rare hug meant a lot, especially at her wedding.

"You ready?" he asked, holding out his elbow for his daughter to take.

"I'm ready." She places her hand in the crook of his arm.

The doors flew open. Applause rang out throughout the venue as Father and Daughter stepped out. Jimin took his position at the piano, playing the classic tune of Here Comes the Bride, the beautiful notes witnessing the start of a new chapter for the young couple.

Both the bride and groom had tears in their eyes as they met each other at the altar. The ceremony was beautiful, and their heartfelt vows left no eye dry.

They stayed at the same seaside venue for the afterparty, and the newlyweds had a blast with the rest of Bangtan. I-ji has gotten very close to Bangtan over the years and now views them as family. She's found a best friend in Jungkook, who is the closest to her in age and shares lots of common interests in painting.

She still gets starstruck sometimes when she sees JIn performing on stage though. Yoongi makes sure to show her later in the bedroom, every single time. Between you and me, it's unclear whether she still actually gets starstruck by Jin, or if she's just pretending to get a reaction from Yoongi. They are blissfully happy, either way.



Once the celebrations had come to an end, the two newlyweds rode hand in hand in Yoongi's car, off into the sunset. Their honeymoon, and the rest of their life, awaits.

One thing's for sure though: These two are endgame. And to answer your question, no, they are still very much into tobacco. 

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