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I-ji's POV

Yoongi-oppa absentmindedly places his hand on my knee as he drives to some destination only known to him. My stomach erupted in butterflies at his touch, and the anticipation of our surprise date. He lets me fiddle with the Bluetooth audio, and I decide to have a little fun.

Searching on Spotify I pull up BTS's earliest album. I watch his lips curve up into an unamused smirk as he recognises the Intro. I fully vibe to the music, singing and rapping along to their songs, practically turning it into my one-woman show. I did sound like a dying whale for the high parts, and trip over some rap verses, but I guess Yoongi-oppa was pleasantly surprised that I was this dedicated. He cheered me on as I butchered their songs, hitting at about 70% accuracy with my mini-concert/jam session.

We were halfway through O!RUL8,2? when he pulled into a secluded spot along the Han River, where a small camping car was parked.

"We're here," Yoongi-oppa announces, hopping out, and telling me to stay in the car while he sets up. I watch curiously as he pulls out another set of car keys from his pocket to unlock the camping car, unloading two fold-up chairs, a fold-up mini-table, a cooler, a picnic basket and a tablecloth. He sets up a little picnic for the two of us, laying out cutlery, glasses and food from Tupperware boxes. I got out of the car to help, but I quickly got pushed back into the car gently by Yoongi-oppa, who was unhappy to let me even lift a little finger. There was no arguing with this stubborn ahjussi.

Yoongi-oppa steps back to observe his work and nods appreciatively at himself. I roll my eyes playfully as he comes around to my side of the car, opening the door for me. It was adorable how hard he was trying to be a gentleman for our date.

He leads me by the hand to the table, pulling out my chair for me before going to take a seat himself. I take a moment to appreciate the setup up close. Yoongi-oppa had chosen a cool spot shaded by trees, allowing the perfect amount of warm afternoon sun to peek through. The mini-table in front of us was laden with an impressive feast of gaeran mari (Korean rolled omelette), gimbap (Korean seaweed rice rolls), mandu (dumplings), and my favourite, tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cakes). My gaze drifted to the other side of the table, and my eyes widened.

Were those... curry fishballs? Egg waffles? Oh my god, pineapple buns. My eyes met Yoongi-oppa's in shock.

"Oppa." I exclaimed, "어떡해 [Eotteokhae, meaning:how]? Where did you get these?"

Yoongi-oppa scratched his head shyly. "I know you really miss home, and you probably really miss Hong Kong food. I actually searched up recipes and made these myself- well, except for the egg waffles. I hope they taste authentic," he says.

I felt my eyes well up with tears. This has got to be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me apart from my mother.

I eagerly stab a curry fish ball, letting out a moan at the flavour of home. My feet do little tippy-taps as I try the pineapple buns next, relishing in the beautiful, sweet crunchiness of the pastry topping and the soft bun. Yoongi-oppa's expectant expression stretches into a gummy smile, as he reaches over to pat my head gently.

"잘 먹는다 [jal meogneunda, meaning:you eat so well]," he says happily, as he watches me eat, eyes overflowing with adoration. "맛있게 모고 [mashike mogo, meaning:bon appetit]"

"Oppa, 이거 진짜 너무 맛있어요 [igeo jinjja neomu mas-iss-eoyo; meaning:this is so delicious]," I said between bites, jumping in my seat because the food was just too good. "Oppa, don't just watch me eat," I said, pulling his sleeve. "드세요 [deuseyo; meaning:please eat]," I told him.

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