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Yoongi's POV

I stood still for a moment.

Did I push her too far? Judging by her reaction, I'm guessing what I thought before was true.

How do I even begin to approach this situation?

I sat down quietly beside her. I pat her back with the lightest hand. I don't think she hates it.

I repeat my actions, a little firmer this time. She leans into my touch.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm sorry if I pushed you too far. My words were harsh," I told her, gently.

Her cries got louder. We sat there for a while, me patting her back, and her crying, until her tears slowly subsided.

"Thank you, Yoongi-oppa. And I'm sorry for losing control like that. It's just," she hiccuped.

There was a pause.

"You probably guessed what was going on. That was one of my close friends, Isaiah. Apparently he thought it would be a good idea to post a video of my girlfriend making out with someone else." she smiled bitterly.

"Then again he's probably too drunk, or too high, or both; so much so that he's not in his right mind." she continues, "I can't even bear to think about what Ava did right now."

"I'm sorry," I said, not knowing what to say.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. And you didn't push me too far by the way, I needed to let this out, I suppose." she sniffles.

"To be honest, these past few months with Ava have been rough. I feel her pulling away from me. I think a part of her resents me for leaving. Or maybe she just didn't love me enough to make an effort in this long-distance bullshit." she says softly.

My hand never stops. It's getting a little sore, I can't lie, but she needs my comfort right now. My arm can suffer for a little while.

"God, I don't even want to imagine how many times this has happened. I guess it explains all the times she blew me off on FaceTime. Insensitive as it may be, I guess I should be grateful that Isaiah posted it. At least I'm not in the dark anymore." she says.

"That time you all talked to her- that was the first time she's ever called me in months. She couldn't have picked a better time: it allowed me to live this fantasy for a little while longer." said she, wistfully.

"I-ji-ah, what are you going to do? Forgive me for being insensitive, but she cheated on you." I said with the softest tone I could muster.

"I-I don't know," she choked, tears flooding her eyes again. She melts into another flood of tears.

I pull her shaking form into my embrace, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"For now, cry." I told her. "Let it all out. Let's deal with the issue when you're ready. I'm here for you every step of the way."

I wish I didn't understand her pain. I wish she didn't have to go through what I did.

A long time ago, when I was around her age, I had a similar experience.

We were just trainees then. We didn't get paid as trainees, so I had to work in delivery to make ends meet. One night, a client ordered some chicken to be delivered to a hotel room, and when I arrived, I saw my girlfriend with him.

I'd later found out from a friend that she'd been cheating on me for months. I remember feeling so broken; so lost.

Was I not enough for her? I recall blaming myself for spending too much time working in the studios, and my part-time shifts. I'd convinced myself that I didn't give her enough- that I didn't provide her with enough love and support.

It took a while for me to finally understand that it was completely her choice to cheat on me, and even if she did what she did based on the reasons I listed, it does not justify her actions. She was unfaithful, when she could've just talked to me, or admitted to me that her feelings had fizzled out. That was her call.

I feel a strange sense of protectiveness for I-ji. Perhaps it's because I'm her senior in life, or perhaps it's because I don't wish for her to go through the same cycle of self-blame and sabotage as I did. I feel responsible to be there for her. I guess in a way, I see my past self in her.

How she works herself to death to follow a dream that many would describe as "unrealistic" and "silly". How she pushes through, maintaining a tough, hard to crack persona just to appear strong to the world's merciless, unrelenting judgement.

Her tears slowly dried. She straightens, removing from my embrace.

"Thank you," she whispers to me, voice practically gone.

"I'll call her tomorrow, to talk things out." she continues, voice clearer, stronger.

A shaky determination is present in her gaze.

I envelop her small, shaking hand in mine.

"I'll be there right beside you, should you need me."

She nods.

"Come on, let's go in. It's chilly" I said, ushering her into the small shop.

I stayed there with her for the rest of the night, sitting in a stool I stole from the indoors eating area.

It was already 4:40 when we came back in, and thankfully, it was a quiet night. It gave us time to think and reflect in our comfortable silence.





I-ji's POV

It's obvious why he stayed. He wanted to be there to catch me, if I should fall apart again. I'm grateful for his company.

In his eyes he held a distant pain that mirrors mine.

Our eyes meet. He offers a half-hearted smile.

We had many smoke breaks that night. I needed to take the edge off; distract me from my shattered heart; distract me from what's about to happen. Yoongi-oppa stayed beside me. I think a part of him enjoys the 5 minutes of sacred time with each smoke either way. Addict.

He stayed until my shift was over. If Jeongho-ssi found his presence strange, he didn't show it.

He walked with me to my building. Normally I would be Naruto-running to get all the sleep I can, but I knew that it would be a sleepless (night?) (morning???) anyway.

He stays close. Hands in his pockets, cap down, hood and mask up. He is silent. Just his presence is comforting.

We reached my building in what felt like no time, and an eternity at once.

He shuffles his feet, meeting my eyes.

"I'll be in the studios. Promise to call me if you ever need anything. Or you can send your address wherever you're at and I'll be there. Or you can come to the studios if you want. I'm free either way." he rushes, concern shining through his fatigued, yet awake eyes.

I appreciate him making time for me. I'm not that dense, he is a busy man, and BTS is working hard for their comeback. I attempt a reassuring smile, "I will, I promise." and bade him goodbye.

He stood there, seeing me in the building. Only when he sees me get into the lift does he start to walk away into the grey morning. 

Quit Smoking Hotline (Min Yoongi x OC FF)Where stories live. Discover now