Caught Stealing

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We are in the briefing room and when John enters he finds Grey in his seat.

"Oh, no, Officer Nolan. You will be leading roll call this morning." Grey tells him

"Sir?" John questions and I smile trying not to laugh

"I didn't stutter. Get up there." Grey tells him

John goes to stand behind the podium amid good-natured heckling and jeering from some of the fellow officers.

"What now?" John asks

"The clipboard." Grey says

"Uh, "Memo to all divisions from the Chief of Police. Complaints about police officer entitlement have risen sharply during the last few months."" John read what was on the clipboard but stopped when Grey rose his hand and asks "Sir?"

"Do you know what that means? Police officer entitlement?" Grey asks him

"I assume it has to do with unauthorized perks. Free food, things of that nature." John guesses

"And what is LAPD's policy on gratuities?" Grey asks

"No officer shall receive any gratuity, gift, favor, or promise thereof, as it may result in, or be perceived as, payment in exchange for influence, bias, or direction of an investigation or enforcement of punishable offenses." John answers

"Nicely done. Chen, West, will you please join Officer Nolan up front?" Grey asks and Lucy and Jackson move to stand with John "Have your training officers discussed this policy with you?"

"Yes, sir." All three of them say

"And what was your takeaway?" Grey asks

"Sir, if I may?" I ask

"Oh, sounds like a little CYA." Grey says

"No, sir. Boot and I walk the straight and narrow. But businesses like having cops around. A half-priced meal every once in a while is just community relations." I tell him

"It doesn't mean we show them favoritism." Tim says

"You agree with this, Officer Bishop?" Grey asks

"I'm not saying I've never accepted a free cup of coffee, but it's usually the exception, not the norm." Talia tells him

"What about you, Officer Nolan?" Grey asks

"I got into this job to help people, not to help myself to free stuff." John says

"Cute line. It's a bunch of bull, but -" Grey starts but is cut off by John

"It's not." John says

"Really? Do you pay fair market value for that beach house you live in?" Grey asks

"No, sir. But I act as caretaker for the main house when Ben is away, so technically I am exchanging services for my rent." John tells him

"And what happens when that exchange isn't enough? And your buddy gets a ticket - or worse?" Grey asks

"Then he'll have to pay for his actions." John tells him

"Okay. Favors are a slippery slope, people. And so are freebies. Look, I like to keep it real in here. There is the letter of the law and there is the spirit. It is your jobs to know the difference. But make no mistake - as police officers, you have power. Usually we like to focus on the kind that you holster on your side, but the power that lives within your badge can be equally as dangerous. That's it. All right, guys. Be safe out there." Grey says and everyone goes their separate ways


Me and West have pulled over a woman in a car with her dog lying on the seat.

"License and registration, please." West tells her

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