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Wesley is Sitting up in bed when I open my eyes.

"Hey. Happy Half-Year Anniversary." Wesley says

"That's not a thing." I tell him

"Well, maybe not for cynical police officers, but for tender-hearted lawyers, it's totally a thing. But, hey, if you don't want to go to n/naka tonight -" Wesley says and I sat up in bed excited

"You got a reservation? You need to make those like six –" I was saying when he interrupted me

"Six months in advance. I know." Wesley says to me smiling

"I love your confidence. Wait. We've only been dating for five months." I tell him

"Yeah, well, technically, but -" Wesley says then I interrupt him

"Did you make that reservation for someone else and hope I wouldn't remember exactly when we hooked up?" I ask him

"If I say yes, are you gonna say no?" Wesley asks me cautiously

"Are you kidding? I would kill to eat there. But I'm gonna require some serious shower time –" I tell him getting out of bed and taking my shirt off as I go towards the bathroom

"Oh." Wesley says

"- for you to make amends." I finish and toss my shirt bath at Wesley and he caught it

"Deal. Yeah. Whoa. Okay." Wesley says and we laugh and get in the shower


"It is hot as the surface of the sun out there." Nolan says

"Yep. Gonna be like that all week. Good thing we're all in short sleeves now." West says

"The uniforms are still wool. Today's gonna be a nightmare." Chen says

"I'm just saying I don't get out of the car for less than a felony when the needle hits 100." I say to Tim

"Your commitment to protecting and serving is admirable." Tim says

"As long as I can do it in comfort." I say when Harper passes Tim on her way to a seat in the front

"You know the front row's for the rookies, right?" Tim asks her

"You hoping I'll sit by you?" Harper asks him

"I'm just telling you how it is." TIm tells her

"The day I need that from you is the day I hang up my spurs." Harper says and I laugh a little bit

Harper leaves and I look at Tim.

"You know you're losing, right?" I ask him

"Good morning. We've got ourselves a heat wave, which means what, Officer West?" Grey asks

"Studies show that a 1% loss of body mass due to sweating decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels." West answers

"Translation: tempers will be short, drug and alcohol use up, so stay hydrated and stay sharp. Now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, Officer Nolan will be flop-sweating in his very first preliminary court hearing." Grey says

"Oh, no flop sweats here, sir. I have reviewed the arrest report repeatedly. I am 100% ready to testify on all the facts." Nolan tells him

"Hmm. Bradford?" Grey says looking at us

"When did you graduate the Academy?" Tim asks

"Oh, that was September –" Nolan starts to answer

"Exact date, Boot." Tim tells him

The Rookie // Wesley Evers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now