Warriors and Guardians

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"We have a new Training Officer joining us this morning, Detective Nyla Harper. Nyla?" Grey says while looking around for her while in the briefing room

He spots Nyla outside the room chatting with another officer. Grey goes over to tap on the glass and motions for her to get into the briefing room.

"What's up?" She asks

"You're late for roll call." Grey tells her

"Oh, that's still a thing?" Nyla asks

"Take a seat. As I was saying, Detective Harper just completed four years of undercover work. She has volunteered to bring her wealth of experience to the FTO program. Officer Nolan, I'm sure you'll learn a lot." Grey says

"Looking forward to it, sir." John tells him

"If you need anything, ask Lopez and Bradford. They'll bring you up to speed." Grey tells Nyla

"Yes, sir." Harper says

"All right, that's it. Be safe out there." Grey says and Tim and I walk up to Nyla to talk with her

"Hey. Sophia Lopez." I say

"Hi." Nyla says

"He's Bradford." I tell her pointing to Tim

"Surprised to see a detective volunteer as a TO. Most would see it as a step backward. Except for Sophia here for personal reasons." Tim says

"While clearly, you've never moved forward. I get the appeal, though, surround yourself with kids who don't know enough to see through your bull." Nyla says

"Look, solid policing is anything but bull. Whereas cops like you spend so much time over the edge you don't even know where the line is." Tim says

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, handsome. I'm not saying you're not tough. I'm just saying you're not me." Nyla says and walks off while I am slightly laughing

"I love her so much." I say to Tim with a smile on my face


Me and West get out of our shop after seeing two boys shoot there paintball guns where homeless people stay at.

"Drop the guns now! Show us your hands!" I tell them

"Okay, okay." The first one says

"You got 'em?" I ask West

"Yeah. Let's go." West says and he escorts the boys over to the shop while I turn and walk towards the homeless woman in her tent

"Police. Is someone in there?" I ask

"I-I don't want trouble." The lady says in there

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"I'll move. I just need my cart." Alice says

"We're not clearing you out. We're here to help. We'll take you to a hospital. You've been hurt." I say

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just lea - Leave me alone." She says

"Okay, um, no problem. I just need some information for the report." I tell her

"No, I got - I have to go." She says

"At least tell me your name." I say

"Alice. Sheldon. Alice Sheldon." Alice says

"Thank you, Alice. I'll make sure those boys never hurt you again. If you need anything –" I was saying and hand Alice my card and went and picked up the paintball guns and go back to join West in the shop

The Rookie // Wesley Evers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now