Plain Clothes Day

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The rookies were coming down the stairs while Tim, Talia and I were waiting for them.

"Are you guys as excited about this as I am? We finally get to call the shots." John says

"I know, right." Lucy answers

"Whoa, slow down. You two realize that 20% of probationary officers that wash out of the program do it during Plain Clothes Day." West tells them

"Don't tell us that! Why would you tell us that?" John asks

"Motivation." West says

They get to the bottom of the stairs and run into their Tim, Talia, and me.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" I ask

"Please, they're just as green as they were yesterday." Talia says

"What are you looking at, Boot? I'm not even here." Tim says to Lucy

"Let's go get our gear." West tells the other two

"My wash out number's three. What about you?" I ask TIm and Talia

"Same. I bet Tim's is up in double digits by now." Talia says

"Damn straight. I've had 11 rookies bounced from the program during Plain Clothes Day. Looking to make it an even dozen today." Tim says

The rookies are getting their gear at the kit counter with us talking behind them.

"Do not listen. They're just trying to psych us out." John says picking up two duffel bags from the counter as usual

"Already making a mistake." Talia says

"If we're not here, why get two kit bags?" I ask

"We're supposed to have two bags, just in case they have to take action." West tells him as John was about to put one back down on the counter

"First mistake avoided. So many left to make." Tim says

"This is going to be a very long day." John tells the other two rookies


Me and West were in the garage of the station.

"Come on. We're the last ones out." West tells me

"I needed reading materials." I tell him and get in the shop with an armload of magazines and say "Okay."

"You should know, I've been waiting for this day my entire life." West tells me

"Wow, that's sad." I tell him

"Did you know that my dad had an epic Plain Clothes Day?" West asks

"I don't care." I tell him but I already had a feeling he was going to tell me about it

"Made four felony arrests, wrote seven traffic violations, and talked a woman off a ledge.
So you see, I can't just -" West was saying but I interrupted him

"So you're gonna break your father's records like you broke his Academy records because you have daddy issues, and the cat's in the cradle, and all that crap." I tell him

"I don't have daddy issues." He says and tries but fails to starts the car then says "No. Oh, this can't be happening. Oh, come on, come on."


Me and West are still at the station because he had to charge the battery for the shop.

"This is ridiculous. Two hours to change a dead battery. I could've been on my second arrest by now." West says

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