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Me and Bradford were in the parol car looking for Isabel.

"I knew it was a mistake." Tim tells me

"Nothing you could've done to stop it." I tell him

"I could've blown the operation early before she went in." Tim says

"And then you would've gotten yourself fired. Torturing yourself isn't gonna help us find her." I say assuring him

"She's dead, Sophia. Vance killed her the second they got free of our surveillance." Tim tells me

"You don't know that." I tell him

"Yes, I do. Just like I always knew I'd end up looking for her body." Tim tells me

"We found her. Alley on Crenshaw near the 10. Get here now." Talia says on the radio

Me and Tim pull up in an alley where a body is being lifted carefully out of a dumpster.

"She's alive, but it's not good. They shot her in the head." Talia tells us

Tim rushed to the gurney where Isabel was being transported for transport and me and Talia could hear him still

"I'm he- I'm here, baby. I'm here. I'm here." Tim tells her

We were all back at the station in the briefing room and Grey started talking

"So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in South Gate at this address.* All right, Detectives Wolfe and Vestri will stake it out with patrol units from that division, while you guys will head over to Bronson Estates, where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cesiah Olivo, lives." Grey tells us

"But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors." Wolfe says

"All right, listen up. This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. So he won't go down easy. All right, watch each other's backs out there, and be careful." Grey says and the patrol starts exiting the room

Soon, we all pulled into a parking lot and TIm, Talia, Lucy, Jackson and I all get out.

"Let's gear up. Got your backup piece?" TIm asks

"Uh, yeah, of course." Lucy says then Tim hands her a metal plate "What's this?" Lucy then asked

"Trauma plate for your vest. Little extra protection." Tim tells her

"Oh. Bradford Special. You really think we're gonna need this?" Lucy asks

"You know why they call this place the Bronson Estates?" Tim asks her

"'Cause a guy named Bronson built it?" Lucy said in a joking voice

"No. Back when you were in short pants, there was a movie called "Death Wish."
Starred Charles Bronson." I tell her

"Yeah. For a long time, responding to a call here meant that you had a death wish." Talia added

"But it's better now, right?" West asked

"It's no longer the wild, wild west. Lots of low-income families live here. But it never hurts to be cautious." I tell him and Chen goes over to get something out of the car and West followed her while me and Talia stayed behind

Soon, Chen and West rejoin us and this is where TIm retrieved a large rifle from the trunk.

"Let's go." Tim says ready to go

"A little extra shock and awe?" I ask

"Damn straight." Tim says

"We're here to talk to people, not scare the hell out of them." Talia tells him

The Rookie // Wesley Evers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now