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In me and my sister's apartment, me and Wesley are getting dressed to go to work.

"We didn't really think this through." Wesley said

"I totally forgot what today was." I told him

"I probably should've picked a less loaded day for our first sleepover." He said

"Um - I didn't get you a gift." I said

"Oh. Well, then it's gonna be super awkward when your presents get here. I guess I can still cancel the violinist." He said with a chuckle then continued "I'm kidding. Forgot it was Valentine's Day, too. So, we'll just have to settle for this. Hmm." He said and kissed me and I kissed him back "When can I see you again?"

"Um - Saturday?" I said in a questioning tone

"Oh, I have to drive up to Salinas Prison to meet a client. You could come with. Make a weekend out of it." He says

"Sounds romantic." I told him

"Could be." Wesley said

"Um, maybe next time." I told him

"You're not having second thoughts about dating the enemy, are you?" He asks

"Defense attorneys aren't the enemy. They're just a pain in the ass we have to deal with on the daily." I tell him truthfully

"Cause we hold you accountable." Wesley said

"Because..." I started saying

"Uh-huh?" Wesley asked

"Nope. Not going there. That's my gift to you." I tell him

"Well, wish me luck. I'm going in front of Judge Bollard this morning. He eats defense attorneys for breakfast." Wesley says

"If anyone can charm him, it's you." I tell him with a smile on my face and he laughs

"Mmm." Wesley said and we kiss each other and Angela decided to enter my room

"Soph, if you bring a guy over, tell me so I can give you privacy for you know what." Angela tells me then leaves the room

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I say and Wesley laughs and we both leave to go to our jobs

I soon got to the briefing room and when everyone was here Grey started talking about Valentines day.

"All right, we know what today is. The most dangerous day of our year." Grey says

"Valentine's Day, sir? Really? Not Black Friday, not New Year's?" Nolan says

"That's right, Officer Nolan. Breakups and broken hearts. Jealousy and revenge. All make for a perfect storm of heightened emotion and dangerous situations. Hell, sometimes violence can find you minding your own business at dinner." Grey tells him

"Sir, again, I can't tell you how sorry I am." Nolan said

"I'm not the one that needs the apologies, Officer Nolan." Grey tells him

"Yes, sir. Please apologize to your wife for me. If you'd like me to make you another reservation -" Nolan was saying until Grey cut him off

"I traded shifts for last night off. The night you ruined." Grey said

"Yes, sir." Nolan then said

"Uh, sir? I don't see my T. O." Chen tells him

"Officer Bradford's taken a personal day." Grey tells her

"You're kidding. Tim hasn't taken a personal day in his entire life." I tell him

"Be that as it may, he's off today. So, Chen, you'll be assigned to the front desk. All right. That's it. Everybody be safe out there. But, Officer Lopez I want to talk to you." Grey says and everyone heads to the armory

The Rookie // Wesley Evers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now