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The rookie's, Tim, Talia and I are heading to the briefing room.

"Hey. Heard you're officially a cop now. Got hit with your first lawsuit." I say to John

"Oh, it's ridiculous. This guy says I dislocated his shoulder pushing past him in a pursuit. I-I don't think I even touched him. And now he wants fifty thousand to settle." John says

"Don't take it personally. Being sued's part of the job." Tim tells him

"It's why we're required to have liability insurance." I tell him

"Union assign a lawyer yet?" Tim asks

"Yeah. Some guy named Simon Parks." John says

"You're lucky. Guy's a legend." I tell him

"Saved my ass a couple times. He's a cranky old S. O. B., but he gets the job done. You've got nothing to worry about." Tim tells him

We enter the briefing room, where everyone seems to be looking up at the landing.

"What's going on?" John asks

"IA arrested Jenkins." Talia tells him while Jenkins is being escorted down the stairs by two officers

"The Robbery Homicide detective?" West asks

"Yeah." Tim says

"Why?" Lucy asks

Grey enters the room, followed by CMDR Percy West, and everyone moves to sit down.

"All right. Grab a seat." Grey says and sighs then continues talking "See, look, it's never a good day when one of your own gets arrested. I'm sure you have questions. Commander West from IA is here to answer. Commander?"

"Thank you, Sergeant. After an extensive investigation, we found clear evidence that, ten years ago, Detective Jenkins lied on the witness stand. Because of his lies, an innocent woman was convicted of murder in the first." Percy West tells us

"She's been in jail this whole time?" Lucy asks

"Yes. Samantha Bennett. She was released two days ago. In addition to charging Jenkins with perjury, we've placed him on the Brady List." Percy says

"Uh, what is the Brady List?" John asks

"Uh, it's a record of law enforcement officers who've withheld exculpatory evidence." Jackson tells John

"It's a list of dirty cops." Talia says

"IA has reviewed all of Jenkins' past convictions. Of them, three others were deemed suspect enough to warrant the release of those felons." Percy says

"But you're not sure those three are innocent." Tim says

"No, but their convictions were overturned." Percy says

"When this gets out, every lawyer in town is gonna want to get a Jenkins conviction overturned." I say

"That's tomorrow's problem. Today, protocol dictates that we make voluntary contact with these released felons. So, Lopez and West, you will talk to Samantha Bennett. Bradford, Chen, you got Max Kegel, who was doing 25 to life for drug trafficking. And, Bishop and Nolan, take Terry Wright, who was in for armed robbery and attempted murder. If you observe anything actionable, send it up to Major Crimes." Grey says assigning us to who we talk to

"And what if we don't see anything actionable?" Talia asks him

"Leave it alone. Observe, report. That's it. All right. Be safe out there." Grey says and me and Jackson go to talk to Samantha Bennett

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