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Stacy and I were in the living room of the house that Wesley and I got together. Every since Wesley was stabbed I have been more cautious around him and making sure that nothing will happen to him in the house. Wesley however is annoyed, but all he knows is that something bad happened with James. He doesn't know how anything happened.

"How's Wesley?" Stacy asks

"Driving me crazy. But I am driving him more crazy with being very precocious around him." I tell her

"He was stabbed. And there is nothing wrong with being extra cautious. As long as it is reasonable." She tells me

"Yeah, but at least it wasn't a fatal wound. And, he was lucky they were able to repair anything that was damaged." I tell her with a look of sadness

"God, I miss cop humor. Corporate world is so buttoned up. Everyone's always running scared of H.R. Is Stabby here?" She asks me

"No. His mom took him to physical therapy. I was planning a spa day until you said I can make two grand for 8 hours' time. But I wanted you to explain it to me first and I won't be doing it." I tell her

"Well, do you know someone I should ask about it? I was hoping you would take it." She tells me and gives me a hopeful look

"Ask Angela, my sister, she would definitely do it." I tell her

"Well, thank you for the refreshments and food, hope you will do fine alone." Stacy tells me and leaves to go talk to my sister

After she leaves, I go to the attic to look through some stuff that I packed away so Wesley wouldn't see. I put the box in the back not wanting anyone to look through it if they were to ever go to the attic for whatever reason.

When I opened the box up, I found a jacket that didn't belong to Wesley or I. It belonged to James. After he passed I wanted to give his clothes to his parents so that they could do whatever they wanted with them but they told me I could donate them for homeless people, knowing that's what James would have wanted.

After taking the jacket out, I found a video camera or whatever they called it. When I opened it I decided to take it down after looking through the box.

When I get to the bottom I find a letter, from James, to me. It was dated the day he died. I took both the letter and camera down after putting everything back, including his jacket.

When I made it down I opened the letter deciding it would be nice to read something that he wrote for me before he passed.

Dear Soph,

I hope you don't ever have to read this, but if you do, I am sorry that I left you. I never wanted to leave you, not in a million years. But I need to tell you this in case something does happen to me.

If I don't come back home after being undercover because something horrible happened to me, I want you to move on, find happiness again, and have a big family like we planned to. I know you won't be happy but you need to. And don't let me dying affect you from being a detective.

And lastly, I will love you forever, never forget that. Stay in contact with my family. Find happiness and do everything you can to not be alone. And don't live with your sister for the rest of your life.

Sincerely, James P.S.Love you forever Soph

While reading that I started to cry knowing that I followed James wish to find happiness again without him. After reading the letter I decided to connect the video camera to the TV to see if there was anything on it that James recorded. After some trouble I finally got it connected and started playing it.

"Soph, look at the camera please." James voice came through

"James stop I'm tired let me sleep." I say in the video

"I know but lets make memories in case if something were to ever happen to either of us." James said

"James stop saying that." I tell him and hit him with a pillow in the video which cause James to laugh and me while watching

Then it goes to when we were studying in the police academy after graduating.

"So, soph how does it feel to have finally graduated the police academy?" James ask

"Great. And I can't wait until we become detectives together." Video me says and I smile when it shows me and James kissing on the video

I hadn't noticed that Wesley I had made it home. He has been coming in without help after physical therapy. I only notice he is home when he comes over and sits next to me. When the next video plays.

"James why do you have to record everything?" Me in the wedding gown asks after the ceremony

"Memories." James says plainly

"You always say that but nothing is going to happen to you so stop pretending that something will." Video me says while Wesley gives me a side hug

"Come on, at least give me a smile and laugh on the camera, please?" James ask with puppy dog eyes and video me and I both smile and laugh together

Then the last video comes. The day before James left to go undercover.

"You know your surprisingly great at bowling and darts. How come you have never told me?" James asks me

"Because you never asked." Video me says

"Do you have to go?" Video me asks him and I start to cry but not in the video

"Yes, but don't worry, nothing will happen to me." James reassures me

I had thought that the videos were over but then it switched to James in the living room, alone and I knew he made this the night before leaving.

"Soph, if your watching this, it means I obviously never stopped the camera at the last video which means I am no longer there with you. I hope you know that I love you and will always forever. Never forget that. But, don't let my death stop you from happiness, okay? Okay. I love you Soph." James said with a smile and turns the camera off

After that I burst into sobs and Wesley pulls me into a hug comforting me. After a minute I decide to get up and help Wesley into our room, even though he is perfectly able to.

"What happened to James?" Wesley asks me while were both in bed

"While undercover, one of the people he was trying to arrest figured out he was actually a cop. I ran in after James hadn't been answering me but I was too late. When I ran in the man had shot him right in the chest and he almost got away but was caught. I went to James to help him and stop the bleeding but it was no use. The paramedics got to the warehouse but James had died on the way to the hospital, never even got a chance to be saved. I was holding his hand never letting go. I only let go when I looked up to see Angela and Tim outside the ambulance looking at me with empathy and sadness. Angela had to come in and physically get me." I tell him 

"That's why your very cautious around me with a lot of things isn't it?" Wesley asks and I look at him

"Yeah. I don't want to lose someone else I love again. Never again. And when I thought I would have lost you too, I don't think I would have ever found happiness again." I tell him

"Your never going to lose me, okay?" Wesley said

"James said the exact same thing and he isn't here anymore." I tell him

After he decided to not talk about James we both went to sleep hoping that the other would be okay the next day.  


So I know this was a short chapter but I thought I would give Sophia some different lines instead of Angela's lines, and let Angela stay as the escort for that one dude, forgot his name. Plus, I thought ya'll would have liked to read more about James and Sophia even though it is sad.

Hope ya'll don't mind the kinda short chapter and how different this episode went. Hope ya'll have a great day!

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