The Bet

876 19 0

John and I pulled over a blue mini van while our view is from the dash cam of our unit.

"1 Control 7-Adam-07. Show us at a vehicle stop on Olympic and Avon. You got this." I say after talking to dispatch

"Sir, driver's license and registration, please." John says to the driver

"What's the problem?" The driver asks

"You were doing 50 in a school zone. What's that sound?" John asks hearing a sound

"My bees." The driver says

"Your what?" I ask

"Bees. I'm a beekeeper. I don't know if I'll be able to control them if you give me a ticket." The dude says

"Sir, threatening an officer is a crime." I tell him

"All right, step out of the car." John tells him

John opens the car door, only to be confronted with a swarm of bees. He and I duck and run out of view, and the driver of the van slams his door shut and peels out. John and I come back into view, looking after the van as it speeds off.

"You okay?" John asks me

"Yeah. You?" I ask

"I sure am missing my long sleeves. Do we go after him?" John asks and I shake my head no and he talks into the radio "Uh, all units, be on the lookout for a blue minivan. Look out, it's full of bees!"

He and I exit the scene, pursued by bees.


I come in the kitchen to see Wesley grabbing a bagel.

"I'm gonna lose it." I tell him

"Ah, you're back. You forget something?" Wesley asks me

"My car won't start. Again." I tell him

"You need a new one." Wesley tells me

"I need a healthier bank account." I tell him

"Uh, I can get you to work, but you're on your own to get home." Wesley tells me

"Why? What are you doing tonight?" I ask him

"Nothing. I mean, t-that thing. I told you." Wesley says evasively

"What thing?" I ask again

"At my mother's. Remember?" Wesley asks me

"The mother I haven't met yet? No, you definitely didn't tell me about that." I tell him

"Well, you probably had a lot on your mind. Do you want to go?" Wesley asks

"Do you want me to go?" I ask him unsure

"Of course." Wesley says

"Great!" I tell him

"Awesome." Wesley mutters


"Today is problem day. So you know what that means." Grey says to all of us

"Actually, sir, I-I don't." John says stuttering a bit

"Problem spots on your patrol route. Locations that attract crime like a felonious magnet." Grey tells him

"Businesses used as a cover for criminal activity." Tim adds

"No-tell motels, massage parlors, dive bars." I add

"Or anywhere that ex-cons gather to plan their next adventure." West says

"The spots you see every day and you vow to take them down if you have the time, but we never have the time. So today we make some." Grey says then sees Smitty whispering with another officer and asks "Is there a problem, Smitty?"

The Rookie // Wesley Evers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now