the ship in the sky

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this story starts when Mae is in the WICKED building, trying to get the serum for Newt.


I make a sharp left into another hallway, feet beginning to pick up pace as my eyes glanced to the digital clock on one of the walls. The time was running out, and I hardly had any to begin with.

I came to a sudden halt when I reached another sign, painted yellow and black in warning.

Authorized Perimeters.

Do Not Enter.

I entered.

Throwing another door open, I raised my launcher, getting ready for whatever laid ahead.

"Oh shit."

In front of me stood about ten WICKED guards, every single one of their heads turning to me as I brought unwanted attention onto myself. Their brows furrowed in question as I froze, fear enveloping me as my identity was out in the open, and I had just walked into a trap. Crates occupied the room, some of the guards being on the platform on the second floor as the dim lighting refused to show their faces. I was screwed.

Reminder to not go through doors that say not to.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!" A male voice yelled as they all raised their weapons toward me, getting ready to fire. I stood in place as guards began to move behind me, eyes wide as they darted around each individual person, doing a quick headcount. "Get on your knees!"

I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the adrenaline. But as the guard said that, and I finished counting the heads of the officers, I smirked.

"I'll only ever listen to that request if it comes from Newt."

My hands darted to the two guns in my holster, taking them off of safety one handed faster than I could blink. I let my momentum drive me as I leapt high into the air, leaning forward and doing a front flip and firing shots midair at the guards who stood at my back.

They grunted in pain, immediately falling to the ground as I landed on my feet, aiming at the closest officers and shooting both of them in the chest. Shouts of surprise sounded from the other wards that stood around me, all beginning to pull the trigger as I leapt onto the crates, quickly shoving my guns back into the holsters as I jumped up, hands gripping the railing of the platform.

Out of momentum, I swung my legs over the bar, kicking one of the guards in the face as I did so. He stumbled back, and I turned, round housing the one on my left. I reached behind me once again and grabbed the guns, pointing them on either side of my body as the soldiers lined up, not getting a chance to shoot before I hit them first.

My heart was pounding as loud as the gunshots left the weapon. Dodging out of the way as a bullet flew past my head, I swiveled around so my back was now pressed against the concrete wall, firing two shots and hitting the guard easily.

Ducking and cursing in reflex as more bullets skimmed my head, I dropped down to my knees, pointing my gun at the guard on my right. I pulled the trigger once, hitting him in the leg so that he screamed and fell back, letting go of his gun in front of him.

My chest ached at the amount of work I couldn't handle, fear being the only element that got me through this. I stayed sat in my protective little ball for only a moment, eyes darting around the room that was suddenly silent. I craned my neck to look to the level below the platform, it looking empty.

I didn't have time to think before I stood to my feet, shoving the guns back in my pocket as I ripped open the zipper to my uniform. It was too hot.

All of the guards that had previously shot at me were a groaning mess on the ground, many puddles of blood staining the once clean concrete. I tried not to focus on one person specifically, my eyes finding the floor as I leaned to jump off the platform and onto the crates once more. Once again, I didn't have a plan. I just knew that I needed to move out of here before it all went to hell and more guards showed up.

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