the banshee

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I smiled as I watched Newt rock our baby in his arms, speaking to her about what the Safe Haven would be like.

"When you're old enough to walk, you'll feel the sand between your toes..." He lightly tickled her feet, earning a smile from Meredith. "And the grass tickling your little feet!"

He chuckled at her as she kicked in his arms. My heart warmed whenever I saw them together, it felt as though a piece of my broken soul was put back together every time he looked at her with so much love, or when she smiled at him. I knew he never wanted to stop holding her—he was so in love.

"Am I gonna have to steal her from you?" I asked him, slowly walking up as he glanced at me, beaming.

"Yes. I'm never letting her go, ever!" He whispered in Meredith's face, making her smile again.

"She likes you..." I placed a hand on his bare bicep.

He scoffed. "I should hope so..."

"It's time for her to go to bed though," I muttered. "It's getting late."

Newt furrowed his brows. "What're you on about, it's nine!"

"Which is a newborns bedtime!" I pat his arm. "Unless you want to be up all night to her crying, I'd suggest you put her down now."

Newt sighed, his face dropping. "You're right, I suppose."

I nodded and crawled onto my side of the bed as Newt placed a chaste kiss onto Mary's small forehead, gently laying her down in her bassinet. I watched as he gazed down at her with so much admiration, being a father suited him well. He'd spent nearly the whole day with her.

"Goodnight, my love." He kissed his finger, then placed it on the tip of her nose.

He stared at her for a few seconds before sitting down next to me, the grin still prominent on his face.

"You have a glow." I told him.

"A glow? What kind of glow?"

"A dad glow."

He shrugged. "I guess that's a good kind of glow..."

I chuckled. "The best kind."

We were silent for a few moments before Newt spoke again.

"Maisy, would you..." He sighed. "Would you be opposed to maybe having another one? I-In the future, of course, when we're at the Safe Haven."

I sat up straighter as he explained himself further, bridging on rambling.

"I-I'm just wondering—and it's totally okay if you say no, but I'm wondering if you'd like to have another one because I-I'll be there for you this time. When you find out you're pregnant and when you're dealing with your weird...cravings or whatever. And the birth, god, I'll be there for the birth. And everything that goes on in between, we could do it together this time, not halfway across the world from each other."

"I hope you're not feeling guilty about Meredith." I hesitated, wondering where this sudden wish was stemming from.

He shook his head vigorously. "Oh, no! God, no! I just...I just wish I could've been there for you. I missed so much, and if you're willing of course, I guess I'd like a do-over."

When The Storm Comes (When We're Older alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now