pieces of myself

226 7 23

mentions of religious themes in this chapter


She was naked.

I'd never seen her fully exposed before, but I swear she was one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed.

I tried to keep my mouth from opening as she casually brushed her fingers through her long dark hair, totally in awe. It was one thing to be attracted to her when we were having sex, but watching her carry herself across the room, her hips slightly swaying as the light seemed to follow her, I found myself falling in love with her all over again. It was a privilege to see her like this—although I'd seen her change in front of me many times before, it was different now. She wasn't searching for something to put on, she was aware of her vulnerability and yet she walked with confidence.

She reached into the shower to turn it on, then looked back at me. I quickly turned my head and began to fiddle with a broken radio on the dresser, feeling like it was a crime to look at something so beautiful for too long.

Beautiful isn't even a strong enough word to describe her.

I smacked the side of the radio, now genuinely interested in seeing if music could make this situation any better than it already was. It seemed impossible, but still, I tried. "Come on, you bloody stupid piece of—"

As though the radio could hear my insults, rhythm poured out of it once I smacked the side again. With music now filling the silence in the room, I smirked at my handiwork and turned back to Mae.

She was looking at me now, naked in the doorway. Something about that flicked another switch in me.

I hastily walked towards her standing there, my lips burning for hers once again. They still tingled from the make out session earlier, but I could never get enough. Whether it was through touching her or talking or kissing her. It was hell when I wasn't with her, and heaven when I was.

My body pressed against hers as I kissed her deeply, trying to tell her all of what I was thinking through the kiss. I began walking slowly forward, careful not to accidentally step on her feet. She walked backwards with me, her hands exploring the ridges of my back. They made their way up to the nape of my neck as I held her waist tightly with one hand, my other on her cheek.

"Watch out." I told her as I pulled away for only a moment to allow her to enter the shower without tripping. I quickly undressed again, just as naked as her now.

I stepped into the shower and wanted to let the warm water run over me just as it had done her only seconds ago. But the second that I felt the scorching water on my skin, I recoiled back and pressed myself to the wall. From in front of me, Mae chuckled at my reaction, making a playful smirk show up on my face in return. She always made me smile, no matter how much pain I was in.

Impulsively, I began to move over to her, sticking to the wall in avoidance of the shockingly hot water. She complied, beginning to meet me halfway. My hands found her hips again, my lips finding her forehead as we pressed together, our bare skin meeting in unity. God, I loved her so much.

"I thought you were gonna look for my clothes?" She asked, her sweet voice echoing through the shower, the only thing in the world I could hear whenever she spoke.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "Just let me enjoy this, Maisy. I'm not sure I'm gonna—"

I suddenly stopped when a sharp throb in my arm made me step back, gasping in pain as I grasped my forearm with my other hand. I had almost forgotten about the terminal disease that slowly ate at my sanity. In this moment I was so content with life it was almost like nothing bad could touch me or her. Ever.

When The Storm Comes (When We're Older alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now