willing to sacrifice?

433 16 49

experience the chapter best if you play the song when the soldiers come out :)


"Do you think there's gonna be weird people there?" Minho spoke as he unwrapped a candy he had found.

I ignored him as we bounced across the dirt road, practically burying my face into the map so I wouldn't have to participate in this conversation.

Thomas scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

Minho popped the candy into his mouth. "Well, you know...there's some strange people in the world..." He spit the candy back into his hand and threw it out the window. "That's gross."

"Jesus, Minho." Vince muttered as he rubbed his temple with one hand, holding the wheel with the other.

"What!" The boy shouted defensively. "I'm just sayin'! We're going into unfamiliar territory, there's bound to be at least a couple fuckin' weirdos here and there."

"Language." I muttered, losing my place on the map.

Minho sighed at my comment. He'd become very accustomed to the real world's profanity since arriving at the Safe Haven, using it in just about every sentence. I'd secretly started counting how many times I'd have to correct him in a day. If it got to be too many, I'd flick his ear.

A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. "Hey, so...how long do we think this is gonna take? I've got a date tonight with this really hot girl, and I'd like to show up on time."

"Ah, Minho actually showing up on time? Who is this girl? Shakira?" Vince teased, laughing at his own joke.

The three of us stared at the man in confusion.

He sighed, disappointed. "You wouldn't get it."

Thomas turned to Minho and slapped his bicep in attempt to get his attention. Minho turned towards him. "Who is she? Is she hot?"

"Dude, she's so hot..."

"Yeah? What's she look like?"

Out of curiosity, I looked at them through the rearview mirror just in time for Minho to puff out his chest, and act like he was holding a pair of enormous breasts.

"Well, you see, she's got these big—"

"Enough!" I finally turned around to face the two of them. They froze like they had been caught stealing cookies from the pantry. "How can you two be talking about girls in a moment like this! It's not like we're on the way to find someone who has been missing for, oh how long? Two weeks!"

"Did you just use sarcasm, Newt?" Thomas pointed at me, a smirk tugging at the end of his lips.

"As a matter of fact, I did."

Minho scoffed. "You better be careful, Newt. Sarcasm is a very noble profession—it's not easily mastered by those with such dry humor. Besides, you haven't shut up about Mae since the moment she entered The Maze, so I think I've earned the right to talk about a girl of my own for once."

"I do not have dry humor!" I turned around fully, offended by his statement.

"Yes, you do."

"I don't."


"Hey, girls..." Vince interrupted us. His voice was weary, causing Minho and I to stop our bickering to turn our attention to the road ahead. "I think we've reached Neverland."

He stepped on the brakes and pulled over, slowing the car down gradually as we approached the top of the hill. I leaned forward in my seat, trying to get a better look at the town below as Thomas reached his hand out the window and started waving his arm to signal the van that we had arrived.

When The Storm Comes (When We're Older alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now