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"So, what's the plan?"

My head turned towards Thomas, Ali, and Vince. We'd been discussing how to leave this town for a few days. Our nights consisted of hushed tones and dim lights as we learned about the state of things around here and the security that kept people from leaving at night. Ali told us that in the process of getting food and water for us, he'd spent time studying the positions of the guards, and the exact time they'd abandon their posts for a quick pee break.

We had come up with a plan to leave the town tomorrow night. I had to say that I was quite thankful that Ali knew his way around and was allowed above ground, for we'd have to dig our way out of here if he was as wanted as we were. He had let us in on more of his journey from escaping the WICKED facility to arriving in Africa. Apparently he knew a guy who could take us to the United States, and from there it was only a short trip to Canada.

It had been a while since any of us were in the States. I had the feeling nobody was too keen on going back to the country from which all of our trauma commenced. But it was the quickest way to Mae, so it would have to do.

Ali leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Well, the guard leaves to piss at around 10:30ish. Not all of them go at the same time, which is why we'll need some kind of distraction. I'll leave before they close the gates and hide somewhere, when the guard comes out to piss I'll knock him out. I'll give you guys a signal and voila."

I tapped my finger on the wooden table. "Sounds almost too easy..."

Vince scoffed. "That's cause none of your plans ever go right."

"What kind of distraction are you thinking?" Thomas asked Ali.

The boy chuckled. "You like cows, Thomas?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the strange question. I remembered Winston, then. His animals and how he always came off the job smelling like a dead carcass of some sort. Despite the horrid smell that followed him around wherever he went, the boy always lit up when he was around animals. He tried not to form a bond with them, for he knew they would end up on the chopping board anyways, but no matter what he tried to make the experience as peaceful as he could. I never asked him whether he liked his job or wanted to keep it—I wish I had.

Thomas cleared his throat. "I-I don't really feel a particular way towards them... Why?"

Ali laughed even harder, covering his eyes. "There's a bunch of 'em by the center of the town. For trading and stuff. I'm thinkin' we open the gate and let 'em loose in the direction of the guards."

Vince laughed loudly and clapped his hands together. "Imagine the look on their faces when they see twenty cows comin' straight at 'em!"

I let out a low chuckle myself, imaging the situation just as Vince said.

"That'll keep the guards distracted for a while. Hopefully it'll drive them away from their posts long enough for us to slip past. I have a car waiting at the top of the hill so all we'd have to do is run to it and head northeast." Ali shrugged and pointed at a circled spot on the map, a couple inches from where the Safe Haven was. But a couple inches on a map was at least a day's trip in real life. "If he's still here, we'll be able to find Apio and he'll—"

"What do you mean if he's still here?" Thomas asked. "You said he lived here."

Ali shrugged nonchalantly again. "You never know, man. Plans might change. We gotta be flexible..."

I leaned forward, his careless attitude really starting to frustrate me. "Look, I don't think you really understand what's at stake here. There's nine of us and half of us are wanted."

When The Storm Comes (When We're Older alternative ending)Where stories live. Discover now