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» [Heroine by IVE] «
0:36 ─〇───── 2:51
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The next time you saw Jake was months later at Ms. Park's exhibition. You hadn't expected him to be there, but part of you were sort of hoping for the slightest chance that he would. Nevertheless, your anticipation was answered, though it was truly just ridiculously pathetic considering you've only seen him thrice.

You were there alone, because while you really did grow an interest for the art–as well as wanting to show support for the artists, fractions of the reason also came from the fact that paint-and-wine events had mortifyingly became the pinnacle of your social life these saddened days (being an adult is hard.)

The agony you've felt over the tattoo and its source of origin kept you awake at night, and after being shut down with limited outcomes, you've started to gaslight yourself into thinking that there was really no possible chance of finding the source. Foolishly enough, you were sure that the only reason as to why the gaslighting was working, was because you've managed to realize as little as the truth that you might've developed a brand new inadequate obsession.

Standing a few meters away from you, was the slender figure of which belonged to none other than Jake, himself. Unsurprisingly, you'd found it hard to even keep your gazes off of him. It was the second time you'd seen him in dark suit pants, and a formal black linen button up, something other than the clothes you were used to seeing at the flower shop. It was truly a sight to swoon over, considering how a few of his buttons were left unattended, the slightest opening to his collarbones caught the focus of your eyes rather easily. Perhaps you weren't giving his golden skin enough credit, because it too adorn his body perfectly as he stood proudly, gracefully admiring the exhibited work.

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