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​​» [Hope to be like you by WOODZ] «
0:45 ──〇──── 3:43
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Ever since you got the tattoo, everything in your life internally shifted. The image in your head became increasingly apparent, and it wasn't just an uncertain unmade memory pestering you anymore. It was now something that was a part of you, and eternally embedded on your wrist as a reminder until forever really does fall apart. Simultaneously, your desire to quest for the woman grew expeditiously, it consumed your thought more vigorously than before, and not once did you not doubt your sanity.

It sounded crazy to say it out loud, you realized that much. Who would've understood it anyway, how would you even explain that some woman has invaded your mind and made a home out of it for your entire life, and now, you unregrettably got a tattoo of her on your wrist.

Not far from insanity is what you think it is.

You had a decent job, great friends, and an amazing apartment that you fought years to get, yet all you could think of was this mere tattoo.

Someone must've implanted this in your head for some reason, but where had you seen it before? And why did it resonate with you so much that you had to get it permanently inked on your wrist?

You made the choice of showing it to your parents, and inquired them if they'd ever seen anything like it. You did grow to live with them for the first 18 years of your life, so there was a chance that she could've been in a very old memory of theirs. Unfortunately, their answer came back negatively, albeit you begged and begged for them to remember harder, even suggesting that they look through their old albums (to which you actually did it for them instead) but there was nothing. You took your chances with your grandparents too, who only squinted and shook their heads.

With great desperation, you even took it to your aunts and distant families, basically anyone who might've known or seen anything, because you were a curious child, and what were the chances of you coming across something of theirs and not realizing? You made a theory that it was something you must've been shown as a kid, but all of their answers came back to no avail. Nobody really seemed to know what or who you've tattooed on your wrist.

You were starting to feel hopeless, though maybe that was just your insecurity setting in even prior to you getting her permanently drawn on yourself. Despite that, you didn't want to give up yet, so you took it another step further and posted a picture of your tattoo on social media, asking the online people if they'd ever seen anything similar. At first, you did get a few responses, but they weren't really the type of answers you were looking for. One person recommended a random artist on instagram, and another suggested that they might've seen it on a twitter post, but not once did you see as close as a resemblance to the one in your head.

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