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» [All of the girls you've loved before by Taylor Swift] «
0:48 ─〇───── 3:41
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Don't make a fool out of yourself, don't make a fool out of yourself, don't do it.

You internally chanted to yourself as you walked up to the park where you'd agreed to meet Jake. You weren't one to get this nervous over some guy, but this wasn't just some guy, it was Jake. He'd said that he'd like to walk by the lake and hang out in the park with you—a casual date, so that the two could talk and get to know each other.

Just at the thought of being alone with him got your palms sweating, because you didn't want Jake to find you strange, but you worried that he would once he'd realized you keep staring at him. You couldn't help it, you just couldn't fight off this feeling of having known him before, that you've touched his face, kissed his lips, and—

It was truly insanity, and not something you were ever going to voice aloud—especially to him.

When you spotted Jake, you realized that you were both 20 minutes early, and that alone made you feel a bit lighter—because you weren't the only overzealous one, apparently. Neither one of you went in for a hug or kiss, thankfully, because you had a feeling you'd never want to let him go if he kissed you.

His lips curved and his eyes lit up as he stopped in front of you. "These are for you." His hand carefully reached out the beautifully arranged hyacinth bouquet to you.

You stared down at it for a second, shoulder relaxing as you took it from his hand. "Thank you, Jake." You told him, unable to moderate your pulse. "You didn't have to."

"I know." He nodded, smiling in contentment as he started to walk towards the lake. "I wanted to." He continued with his hands in his pockets.

"That's sweet of you, but I didn't bring anything..." You frowned, feeling a bit stupid for not bringing even just some candy to show him that you appreciate him. The man had given you flowers–three times now, and what have you given him? Nothing, besides the shameless stares. "I'm sorry."

Fated Lovers || Jake SimWhere stories live. Discover now