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» [This Love by Taylor Swift] «
2:53 ────── 3:10
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

You're nervous when you knock on Jake's door, to put it lightly. Your palms are sweating, even though you've had three shots earlier to calm your nerves. You've seen Jake before, you've let him hold your hand, kiss you, caress you like he's done it a million times before. You've also dumped him after the first date and pretended he stopped existing, until you saw him the other day and just had to contact him. All of that makes you nervous.

Your heart turned into a black hole the second you spotted his face in the crowd. He looked sad, but when Jake looked at you, his eyes sparkled, mouth forming a small smile despite you treating him so poorly when all he's ever done is be kind towards you. The flowers, the painting, the date, the kissing, the confession... He's shown you nothing but care, and you ran away the first chance you got because you felt too in love with him seeing as you didn't know him.

You still don't know him, but you're willing to take that chance, which is why you knock again. You did announce yourself by text, telling him you'd stop by nothing. You had to come here tonight after seeing him. Nothing has changed since you've last seen him—your heart still beats faster when Jake's around, and you still feel the same way about him despite avoiding him for months.

Not even a second later, Jake opens the door for you, dressed casually, which makes you feel like you overdid it with your dress and heels. You look like a try-hard and probably overly desperate because you practically gasp at the sight of him looking as perfect as always.

"Hey," he greets you quietly, eyes sparkling as he forces a small smile. Jake opens the door and motions for you to walk inside. When you do, you get to breathe in his scent again, and that makes you want to kiss him again. Instead, you take off your shoes in silence, and Jake offers to take your coat, so you let him.

Then, you look at each other awkwardly, and you feel like you want to cry again. Can you miss a guy you've spent four hours with alone? Is that real? Or is he just another obsession? The whole painting thing is already crazy enough—you can't let yourself obsess over this man, no matter how gorgeous he is, no matter how nice and sweet he seems, no matter how much you want him.

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