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» [Zombie by Day 6] «
0:50 ──〇──── 3:29
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Jake, on the other hand, knew everything there was to know about the woman in your head. She was the true source of all inspiration, and the face he managed to find in each and every one of his canvases. Even when he wasn't trying to paint her, draw her, and make her come to life through his art, she was all that filled the spaces in his mind.

He must've painted the same thing a million times by now. Nevertheless, each and every time, he would always add something new to it, always a distinctive pattern, and always a different feeling he carries along with it.

Sometimes, it was paint spills. On other days, it was paint splatters—any daily thing that influenced his improvise for a substitution. The details would shift, the colours would vary so slightly, but she never does. Always the same woman he'll paint, and paint, forever.

He does have one that's gotten fairly close to the real thing, and it was stored safely in the comfort of his apartment, far away from prying eyes, and fingers, as it should be. It was Jake's to marvel at, his to cause him pain, his to make him miserable, and his to grieve over.

Still, not even that almost perfect copy is ever going to come close to the real image he'd painted in his past life, not even the shapes that were added to it later on.

Just thinking that sounded insane, which was why he'd never really said it out loud, though he knew it was true. He'd been reborn, perhaps for the worser case, but he remembers his past lives well—well enough to put the missing puzzle pieces together.

It was as if it was yesterday—maybe last month, because there was never really a fixed feeling whenever he would reminisce on the day he painted the very image you have in your head.

Jake took his lover to the lake that day, with feelings of appreciation, and excitement. They lived together in a simple cottage, one specifically near a lake, and surrounded by pure nature.

They lived off his commissions, and the very food she grew in their garden, paired with his inheritance money. They weren't well off by any means, but they felt like they were, because they had the sun, the water, and each other, which was all that really mattered.

That day by the lake, Jake painted with a new zeal, having just found that they were going to expand their family of two. It was official. A doctor from the village came to check up on his partner, and told them that they were going to become parents.

He was ecstatic, to say the least, his heart was easily filled with joy, and so he painted. He painted her until the sun was threatening to leave, though his lover didn't mind, she was still happily seated on the blanket he'd placed out on the grass.

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