Levy's P.O.V

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I woke at ten o'clock on the day of Mine and Gajeel's date. I smiled as I jumped out of bed and began getting dressed. I put on my orange dress and my matching sandals. I pulled on my arm warmers and tied the ribbon to secure them to my arm. I pulled my hair back with my yellow headband with a butterfly on it and smiled at myself in the mirror. Gajeel told me yesterday that he would come pick me up at Noon. I'm so excited and nervous, I've never had a boyfriend, the most I've ever done with a boy is hug. I looked at the clock, ten-thirty. I sighed and went down stairs. I sat at the table as I made myself a bowl of cereal. My mom and dad are at work so I'm home alone. It was ten-forty five by the time I finished eating so I decided to watch TV. to pass the time.

I smiled when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and blushed softly when I saw Gajeel, he was wearing jeans with a crimson shirt and a black vest over it. "W-wow, you look amazing" he stuttered.

I couldn't help but giggle "So do you. I'm ready to leave if you are" I said as I grabbed my purse and shut the door, locking it afterwards. We got in the car and his mom drove us to a local amusement park called "Fairy Land". I used to love this place as a kid, I haven't been in a long time. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance. Gajeel bought our tickets and we went inside, I looked around in happiness. Not a lot had changed, but not everything was the same. We walked around looking for rides. I grabbed his arm and smiled as I started pulling him towards a roller coaster titled "Phantom Lord". He looked scared, but all that did was make me laugh. There wasn't a long line so we got to ride it fairly quickly. Soon after we began to move. Gajeel held my hand tightly as we approached the first hill. I blushed deeply as his grip got tighter.

After the ride we walked around some more. It was almost two o'clock so we decided to get some lunch. We got a small pizza and sat down before eating it. We talked about the ride and I giggled when he said it was horrible. After lunch we walked around some more, there wasn't anything that looked fun to us anymore so we played a few games then he took me home. Gajeel carried the big panda bear he won for me as he walked me to the door. I smiled at him as I opened my door.

"Wait, Levy" He said as I unlocked the front door.

I turned to him "Yes?" I asked confused.

Before I could even think of what he was going to ask, He kissed me. My eyes widened and my cheeks were burning. I slowly began to kiss back just before he pulled away. We said good-bye and parted ways. I ran to my room, dragging the over sized toy behind me. I got to my room and squealed like a child. My first kiss was amazing, his lips were so soft and they moved so gently against mine, but at the same time they were rough. I put my hands on my heart to feel how fast it was beating until it went back to normal. Oh, I can't wait till out second date.

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