Levy's P.O.V

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I woke up on a Monday at six o'clock. I turned off my alarm and put on my glasses as I sat up in bed. I sat there for about two minutes before getting out of bed. I took off my pajamas as I made my way to the closet. I stood in the closet, in my panties, looking for a top. I finally choose my blue and white striped tank to. I put it on over my white bra then walked over to my dresser. I opened the middle drawer and pulled out my brown skirt that falls to my mid-thigh. I put it on then put on my white stockings and my brown boots. After looking at myself in the mirror I went over to my vanity and sat down on the bench. I opened my jewelry box and took out my blue necklace and brown bracelet. After putting my hair up in a ponytail, I put my glasses on and grabbed my backpack as I walked out of my bedroom. I ran down the stairs and grabbed some toast for breakfast. I ran out of the house and down the sidewalk to school. It took me about five minutes to get there on foot. When I walked in I was immediately greeted by my friends, Jet and Droy. I smiled at them as we walked to my locker. 

"So Levy did you hear that there supposed to be a new kid in our homeroom today?" Droy asked me.

"No, why would I care anyway. I'm trying to focus on school this year" I told them as I pulled out my history book and shut my locker.

"Sorry, just thought you'd be interested. Every girl in school is talking about him" Droy replied.

I sighed and began walking to class "It's not that I'm not interested, it's just I can't be bothered by romance right now" I said as we walked into the classroom. 

As soon as I sat down, I looked up and meet eyes with a extremely attractive and tall boy. He had these piercing red eyes and amazing muscles that showed slight under his leather jacket and orange panther-lily t-shirt. Our gaze held until the teacher walked in and began class. I knew from right then that this year would be the best and worst year of my high school life.

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