Levy's P.O.V

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Last week was my birthday and I couldn't have asked for a better gift. Now it's the last day of school and I am so happy because after school Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Juvia are coming with Gajeel and I to the beach. After school we wall walked to my house and got changed, the girls in my room, boys in the bathroom.

"Juvia notices that both Lucy and Levy are happy with Natsu and Gajeel." Juvia said whilst taking her top off.

Lucy smiled "I couldn't be happier, Natsu is so sweet. I can't believe it's almost been three years"

I continued getting ready as I listened to them. I pulled up my bikini bottoms and reached for my top when I felt wet hands on mine. I looked over and saw Lucy and Juvia staring at me intently. I raised and eyebrow "U-uhm...What's wrong?" I asked extremely confused as they let go of me.

They looked at each other then back at me. I decided to ignore it and continue getting dressed. When we all finished we left the room and went to the living room. We all blushed when we saw the boys talking, only wearing their swim trunks and jackets. I blushed more when the boys complemented us. We left soon after and set up our stuff when we got to the beach. Gajeel and I sat on the towels with all the stuff and watched the others play in the water. I sighed and pulled out my book and started reading. "Why won't Gajeel offer to go swimming or do something romantic?" I thought to myself as I gripped my book tightly.

I looked up from my book and saw Lucy laughing as Natsu carried her on his shoulders. I sighed again and imagined Gajeel carrying me like that. After a few minutes I put my book away and looked at Gajeel, I decided to take innovative so I grabbed his arm and began to pull him towards the water.

"Woah, shrimp what are you doing?" He asked as he pulled back, making us stop moving.

I looked forward "I want to go swimming with you" I said as I began to pull him again.

I knew he was smirking, just by the way he was actually walking with me. We were a few yards away from the water when Gajeel picked me up bridal style and ran towards the water. I held onto him tightly and screamed as he dunked us both into the water. We stayed at the beach for a good few hours before deciding to go home. Natsu and Lucy walked to Natsu's house and Gray and Juvia went to Juvia's house. Gajeel and I were left alone at my house. I blushed as we sat in the living room, still in our swim suits. I opened my mouth to ask him something when a knock came at my door. I slowly got up and answered it.

I stared at the man in my door way "Uhm, Hello?"

"Hello, young lady, Is Gajeel here?" The man asked.

I stayed silent, who is this man?

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