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At Cheyenne Mountain, it was quiet, until NORAD suddenly picked up something huge. What was detected as a few thousand contacts suddenly appearing in the center of the United States. To many of those inside, they expected that this was the end of the world, and the Russians had made missiles that wouldn't be detected by radar. Was it too late to launch counter missiles, why were the contacts all grouped up so tightly, what was the point.

A man rushed over to a wall mounted phone and grabbed a landline and connected to the Pentagon.

"We have detected possible nuclear missiles in approach to central US. Need Confirmation of actual launch!" The man said panicking.

The Operator would move quickly and get connected to the Whitehouse.

"Gorbachev! Did you launch missiles at us!" President Reagan asked, being on the phone with the Kremlin.

"Nyet, President Reagan, I have confirmation that we have not launched from either USSR or China." Gorbachev answered.

With in minutes of this conversation, airports in the region were having their runways closed as flights were grounded, and run ways were filling up at large airports. Regional Air ports were informed to remain grounded, all while air bases were launching their interceptors.

"Offutt Tower we are departing, baring is 20 Degrees, airspeed is 1500, wing is up, approach will be gaining altitude cruising at 15,000 ft." The flight leader said.

Within minutes of the launch, 20 wings were approaching, at staggering altitudes, looking for the contact.

"Tower this is flight 4, cruising at 5,000ft, no visuals to report."

"Understood Flight 4, keep eyes open just incase."

"Tower this is flight 15, do you copy? Cruising at 10,000ft, no visuals on contact, getting radio interference, It's sporadic, contact must be near by." 

"We read you Flight 15, keep visual, clouds may be obscuring it."

"Tower, this is Flight 18, we have broken cloud cover and........sweet jesus.....That's a flying city! Oh SHIT! Nearly got my wing clipped by a set metal rails in the sky!" The pilot shouted.

"The tower controllers looked at each other as they asked the wing commander, "uh..repeat your last over?"

The wing commander once again reported, "I say again tower, I am looking at a city in the sky, reporting in at 15,000 ft. I'm seeing buildings climbing and descending. Looks like Disneyland USA." The pilot said.

"Understand Flight 18, having Flight 11-20 confirm visual. Give a wide birth to the location, monitor location until bingo on fuel, Flights 1-10 are to return for refueling." Tower stated.

Some of the wings flew back to near by air bases, flight 18 would return to base, as the gun camera and cockpit camera's data was gathered and transported to be observed, to see what was actually seen.

Once the footage was removed from the gun and cockpit cameras, they were rushed to Langley, military courier, as top priority, where CIA analyst examined the photos. Only the most clear were pulled and put into a stamped packet, which was then sealed and sent directly to the president in the situation room under the white house, where said President was currently sitting with his entire cabinet sitting in the situation room.

"Mister President, In the last 24 hours, NORAD an unknown contact over Kansas, believed to be an nuclear missile launch. We had reached to DEFCON 2, while thankfully we made contact with President Gorbachev who confirmed that no missile had been launched. With intercessors we were able to find the contact, and determine is a floating city." The CIA director informed.

"Could you repeat that? Did you just say a floating city?" President Reagan asked.

"Yes sir. The Gun Camera and Cockpit camera footage was analyzed and determined to be real. These images are the best we could selected from those collected." The Director stated.

"Ok, please continue." President Reagan stated, as he looked through the photoes.

"We have located Points of Interest, those being a statue in the shape of an angel, a series of beaches, a large structure with what seems to be marked "Hall of Heroes", and a building with giant faces of who we suspect is Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington."

"Oh Dear lord, they worship three of the founding fathers." Secretary of the Interior, William Clark 

"Not another one." Secretary of State, george Shultz said, shaking his head.

"This is going to be an interesting situation to deal with. A flying city.....sounds like out of a H.G. Wells fueled Fever Dream." Secretary of Education, Terrel Bell said.

Meanwhile in the Shanty Town, Daisy Fitzroy was looking over plans. She looked over a map of Patriot's Pavilian, She had met with Slate. Now she needed to store up weapons and get them delivered. She had a hideout, but getting the supply was risky, with how close it was to battleship bay and soldiers field.

"Boss, you got to see this. There are flying objects, ...Fuck I don't know. You just got to see this." a look out said.

Walking out, and looking in the distance, it was clear that something was in the distance, moving fast, they were small, life the barges, but.....faster, way faster, and sleek, with no clear engine. 

"Well what do we have here.....Something tells me the Sodom below isn't cooperating with us in the skies now." Daisy said, smiling, knowing change is coming.

Meanwhile, in the lavish offices of Finkton, Jeramiah Finkton, watched in wonder. He could see in the distance machines orbit Columbia. With his telescope, His radio was picking up the music he heard through tears, the songs his brother could have made, the ones he could still make, he just needed to block the signals. 

He'd have to move quick, or else people may think he and his brother were no more than thieve, and a thief, fink was not, an artist, a craftsmen, a man of dignity and honor!

Finally, we hade the man who lead this all, Father Comstock. He looked at the waters, He had seen many things, his city triumphant as he burned the lands below in his great fire, the world reborn with his dearest Elizabeth leading the chosen few in a pure society. But......this was not one he saw, this was.....this was a mistake.

"THis can not be, how?! The Ciphen is still working, damn it, if only I had those two, they could tell me what is-" Comstock said, before he was interrupted.


"Or Maybe this is correct?"

"You did want to see the world burn."

"We just brought you to the one place in time where those fires aren't for you to decide."

Comstock looked around, expecting to see the owners of the familiar voices, see he was still alone.

"Impossible, they are-"


"It's really is perspective, one you lack." 

Turning again, the voices kept coming from behind him. He walked away from the waters, annoyed.

"No matter. I am a pius man, and god will prove the pius true." Comstock said, before his airship started to turn, towards monument island.

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