Battle in the Skies

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A task force of Jets were preparing to take off, they would be flying towards Columbia, and try to take down their airship fleet. This air force base just one of dozens with a squad of interceptors and air dominance fighters preparing to take off.

"Gold Squadron will be coming in from North-Northeast focus on Columbia's main city, Blue will approach from the West hitting Soldier's field region, and Red will move in from the East, Finkton is their target, we have move in from the south, we deal with Emporia." Green-1 explained.

"Understood Green-1" sounded through the squadron's frequency. 

The signal was given and the planes began to take off, each member of the 24 aircraft took off in a chain, the flight group moved towards Columbia's known position. As they neared, the fight began. Air ships fired shoulder mounted rockets, they were slow, missed, machine guns opened fire, missing the fighter craft.

"Green Squad Scramble, fire from blind spots and take down the blimps." Green-1 said.

The planes scrambles and moved to attack the various large blimps that flew around the city. The blimps were firing in all directions to try and hit the planes. The Columbian soldiers firing the RPGs as they saw the approach of the planes.

"Keep it to guns only, avoid the side winders." Green-1 ordered.

The US planes would line up shots and open fire with their machine guns, tearing through the cockpits, often causing the ships to explode and burn in the air, falling down. Other strafing runs were quick runs, tearing the propellers and engines.  

Across the city, more blimps and air ships were fighting to try and shoot down fighters that were destroying the fleet of aircraft.

One fighter in Gold Squad was pursuing a small gunship that had a turret shoot at them, when suddenly a shadow fell on the fighter, and ripped off one of the wings. The pilot was in a spiral down towards Columbia's city.

"This is GOLD-7, I got damaged Something bit just ripped my wing off! I'm EJECTING" the pilot shouted into the radio, trying to stop the spiraling to then launch canopy and ejecting from the plane.

They pilot looked around, trying to spot what ever just tore the wing off his plane, before suddenly he saw the shadow swoop down on him.

With a sudden attack, the parachute was ripped open and he was caught in a claw that then crushed the pilot. The crashed plane was rushed to , found to be empty, Fink had ordered his men take the wreckage back to Finkton, along with the destroyed seat when they could.

More planes would fly around, searching for the illusive thing that ripped the wing off a pilot. 

"I'm not seeing anything Tyger." the weapons officer said.

"Keep looking Trapper." the pilot said, as they moved to examine the crash site.

"Do you see the chute Gold-5?" Gold-3 asked.

"No good, Gold-7 may not have been able to eject." Tyger explained as they turned, and saw something fly out from under a building. 

The duo tried to preform a displacement roll, only for the creature to move and avoid the launch burst of fire from the fighter.

"Gold Squadron, we have a airborne bogie, high maneuverability, no range capability." the weapons operator said as they tried to track the flying Song Bird. 

More members of Gold Squadron would move to try and lure the flying creature into the sites of another pilot. The pilots moved to try and track the Song Bird, when they fired a side winder missile, the missile came loose and flew through the air. It would impact the wing, tearing through the wing, before detonating behind the bird, then moved down, flying through the buildings, hiding, climbing and moving leaping up to attack the pilots as they tried to spy the creature.

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