Into the the Heavens

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The cabinet was looking over possible candidates for who should go up. It was obvious the guard team was going to be made up of marines. The method of arrival was going to be by helicopter, and that left more issues, operational height of the city would mean most craft would struggle to reach the city.

Casper Weinberger put forth a candidate, he wanted a military man to go up, see if he could judge the offensive capabilities of the city, we may end up having to be boots on the ground, and in his best opinion, it would be best to have a strong idea of personal armaments if we have to try and ferry troops into the sky if this turns to be a hostile force. This choice had the approval of William Casey

Terrel Bell, on the other hand, wanted a diplomat, some one who could try and reach the understanding of the people. he didn't want to start talks with a sword already drawn, but instead offer the olive branch that would built trust. William Smith and William Clark agreed with Bell.

President Reagan had a his fingers to his lips as he contemplated his options. He needed a firm stance. He looked to one side, a strong standing man his ground, but not too head strong to start a conflict by accident.

"I think a pair of diplomats should be sent. One with the mind that can serve a nation, and one that has the heart to create peace and understanding." He explained.

The selection of diplomats would be next, as they had a lot of options. After a few sorting of qualifications, the next selection process would be done in a more personal manner. Of the dozen or so potential candidates, each one would sit down with the President, and speak with him over the next few hours.

After the interview process was complete. The selection of the diplomats had become clear.

One diplomat would be Nelson Collins. He was a good man, had served in the Lebanon conflict, was injured, shot in the lung, and was lucky to survive. Due to the shot however, he couldn't keep pace, as he was a bit shorter of breathe now.

The other diplomat would be Holly Montoya. Good student, was near the top of her class for the college in terms of government courses, even with the harsh treatment that she got from her teachers due to her race. She would be a good person to have, and an example of the US's strength, to all the people, even those that have struggled.

The pair were sent to Kansas City, now under a "No Fly Zone" as the flying city was passing over them. They would reach Fort Levenworth and be joined by a team of Marines, as they would be escorted to the craft that would take them to the City.

"We got lucky that the skies have been clear for the most part. We have noticed that a festival is being set up in the central region of the city. We can try and land you near by. Could be good to see what they are celebrating." the Flight Captain explained, as he walked next to the pair of diplomats.

As they got to the Chinook, everyone stepped in. The Diplomats were handed a set of 1911's, along with 3 extra magazines, and the holsters.

"This is just incase they are needed." the marine Corporal explained.

The team moved to their seats, before strapping in. The Pilots would walk in, and run down the flight list, checking all the details, before the craft would start to take off. The climb was steady, averaging around 1000 ft a minute, giving the ride a short window, but one where everything was clear.

"Be on guard, we do not know what we are dealing with. Information packets give us an idea of no ground based vehicles, so we are walking, determining who, and what we are dealing with is key." Nelson said.

"Picked up radio transmissions seems to be......early music, turn if the century, some dating to as late as 1918. The city is floating, so don't go pissing off the edge, and watch your step." Holly said, looking at the marines.

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