Planning for War

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The War room was busy, plans were drafted, looked over and then would either be rejected or put into a list of consideration. 

The City itself was the main issue, it moved so keep a solid logistical effort would be difficult to maintain the war, so they knew they would have to slow the city some how. 

Some Operations on the table already had code names.

Operation Jefferson: It was the strategic bombings of strategic locations across the city to slow a response as helicopter deployments occur to take control of an area. This was a simple operation that was to establish control over the docks

Operation Freedom Rings: a bit more complex. The IRF would be deployed and work to secure an landing area. Helios and gunships would work to support, before more forces would be brought in once the area was secured.

Operation Uprising: A call where we supply much of the equipment and initially, minor military support in the form of armored vehicles and special forces units that would aided by the Vox Populi in the uprising in Shanty Town. This would be coordinated with Slate's men taking over the Docks of Battleship Bay Region.  This would then lead to the second part of the plan landing more support, and the army US Army proper and an advanced towards Emporia and Columbia Center.

These were the 3 main considered plans of the War's opening stages. There was Radio messages being directed towards Columbia constantly, mostly music, and propaganda that directed to demoralize the civilian population, and bring Ideas of the US to them, rather than hiding away in the clouds over the ocean.


"Mister Slate, what you are asking would be difficult to accept. You are wanting to be reinstated into the army, with your old rank." A review board member said, seeing Slate standing at attention before them.

"That I do. I am a soldier, a true soldier, who gave his eye and best years to the army. I want this to be my last campaign, charging the enemy with the 7th Cavalry Regiment once more. I served with them for 25 years." Slate explained.

"He does know the defensive capabilities. He is valuable and we can't risk looking him." was whispered.

"He also is an experienced leader and can turn people to our side." Another whispered.

"Mister Slate. We will need to decide on this topic with more care. We do need to know, what was your term of service?" one asked him.

"1872 through 1898, Served in Mexico, China, and the the Dakota wars." Slate explained.

The group looked at each other, at the last part....the 7th cavalry and the Dakota Wars narrowed down some of his actions greatly. If this got out what he did.....there would be some controversy.

However, this was the least of most issues, due to a conversation that was being held that many were lost trying to follow it. 

Royce, Robert and Rosaline Lutece were talking, the issue is, it had somehow evolved outside of English into a form that no one else could really follow. Royce was even taking notes on paper as they spoke, he wasn't looking as he spoke. 

As a pause came into the conversation, the doors opened and Reagan entered the room. Everyone stopped and Saluted him, standing at attention, with the Twins being an exception.

"Now, I would like to ask you two a simple question, that I would like simple answers to. The First one is, How do we stop the city." President Reagan said.

"Well that is simple. The City is mostly dragged by the Hand of the Prophet and Comestock House. They however are the most heavily defended areas and most entrenched in the ideology. As much as I disapprove of such a method, I would have placed it in the Siphon, but before that could happen, the incident occurred." Rosaline said, shaking her head.

"Very well, next, how do you do that teleportation thing?" Reagan asked.

"That I can explain. The incident that happened was their Quantum Entanglement Window generator, happen to explode while they were working on it. With them both being so close, they Quantum Window expanded and collapsed, having them present in several universes simultaneously. They happen to now be in an essence everywhere and no where at the same time." Royce explained.

"Yes. To us, we see several timelines, and instances. Ones where we had found each other. Ones where we haven't. Ones where we were born. And ones where we never had a chance to exsist. Some where the Years is 2024, others where it is the 8th Year of Emperor William of Germania's rule over the European Empire." 

Silence hung in the air as everyone looked at that last comment.

"Who's the president in that timeline?" One person asked, curious.

"To Joe Biden, though many people disagree because many claim his opponent won after a second failed election attempt. I find their politics distasteful however." Robert said.

"So how do we beat the City?" A general asked.

"I do have an idea." Robert said.

"Oh not this again. brother, we've done this more than 100 times, what makes you think this is different?" Rosaline asked.

"Perhaps the fact neither of you actually saw the city changing across dimensions." Royce explained.

"How did you figure that out?" Reagan asked, confused.

"Simple. When my.....counterparts arrived, they didn't predict and adjust to the change. The best way I can describe it is they have an innate understanding of their own timelines, ones greatly different from our own in it's events. Since I never went into Quantum Mechanics fully, they can only know what they can see, and they are limited outside of Columbia." Royce explained, tapping his paper.

Robert Lutece looked guilty at that.

"Seems you have a skill with people. Any-who. I think we should be taking our leave." Robert said.

"Agreed. I never did much care for the Pentagon." Rosaline said.

"Now Hold it, this is a sensitive meeting you have been intruding on." A general said.

The lights flickered and Royce was sitting alone, where he had been sitting with the twins. 

"And like that they are gone." Royce said.


Zachery Hale Comstock, was sitting in an empty chapel. He prayed.....He needed the guidance he once had. The Dimensional Window had now shown him any future, that Columbia was successful and could travel over the United States. What future was there....if he could not save those from the Sodom below. 

He stood up from the pew and walked to the baptismal basin. He looked inside, and rubbed his eyes, and as he looked into the bowl, he saw the reflection, seeing the Angel that his Flock believed guided him.

"Elizabeth. I am doing this for you." He said, sadness in his voice.

Monument Island was a symbol, a guardian Angel of the City, Song Bird it's protector. It showed it could take down their craft, and now, Fink was finding a way to defeat their technology. If they could be out of the reach of the unclean Sodom, into new lands that thought like them. They would not fall, they would survive, stronger and free, they would travel the world, gathering the pilgrims, and they would create a new holy land from the ashes of the destroyed world in time.

He would walk down and approach the doors. He pushed the doors open and saw a crowd gathering before him.

"People of Columbia. We have faced those of the Sodom below, and fought them, they could not stop us from attacking their city. We will now move beyond the boarders of the US. We will find the believers across the world, and we will create the paradise we desire. We will need all willing to fight, join the soldiers, our crusade will be righteous, it will be true, and we will succeed, for god is with US, and us alone." Comstock spoke to the crowd.

"I Volunteer Father!"

"I wish to Volunteer Father Comstock."

"I will fight."

More cries of volunteers came out, so many were willing. God was with them, that had to be true. It was the only way such actions could be justified.

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