Battle of Chicago

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"People of Chicago, I am your speaking you, not as your president, but as a leader, I only wish to advise, in order to ensure the safety of everyone.

We ask all those who could not leave the city, to remain in doors, avoid tall building, this is for your safety. The threat of Columbia is a danger, we ask for everyone to be show restraint and caution. The Military is prepared to meet the threats, we are asking for everyone to be strong, together, we will survive this danger and pull out stronger. Thank you." President Regan said, as he looked to the camera, in a live broadcast that was directed to Chicago, in order to calm the fears in the city, which did on the most part, still, there were those who were scared, ready to fight to defend their section of the city.

As night began to fall, a cloudy night sky made spotting difficult, planes flew, keeping in constant radio contact, unexpected storm front was seen, approaching the city. Then through the darkness and storms, came the light of hundreds of airships, leaving the clouds, some large, having large cannons under them, that opened fire with cannons. Smaller ships descended behind larger ones, moving faster.

Jets and Anti-Air defenses opened fire. Phalanx CIWSs would fire on the smaller crafts, as the MIM-72s launched their missiles, targeting the larger ships. Across the city, there was a sudden series of explosions and fires spread along the lake side edge of the city. 

Police would rush to try and find what it was, when they saw small air ships blasting away, men in boiler suits throwing fire, and machine gun turrets opening fire. Small floating guns suspended by hot air balloons fired at them.

"Reports are coming in from the gold coast and streeterville sections of the city, reports of Columbian armed forces have landed on the ground, and are destroying and looting. The Jardine Water Purification Plant is has been heavily damaged, Navy Pier and the Chicago River harbor have reports of complete destruction due to fire and explosions." operators at the makeshift HQ stated, to the General Volney F. Warner.

"Divert forces to counter act, try and have the police slow them down. Make sure they have stingers to shoot down those craft. Tell the Airforce that they need to deploy a sortie along  the coast to shoot down any more who somehow snuck behind us." Warner ordered, as he looked over the plan, seeing as pieces are moved.

"Dealing with my own Blitz here." he thought to himself as pieces were picked up, placed on the table and moved. 

The defenses of the city were holding on the most part. From what he could gather, the plan was to have the heavy hitting airships be the front line, blast away and try to burn the city, while they deployed smaller airships to attack from a different direction. 

On the front, a team working with the MIM-72. A pair were pulling the boxes out and opening the boxes, carrying the missile to the launcher and having it inserted onto the firing rack, before the fins were attached.

"How many of these bastards are there!?" a soldier cried out.

"Don't know, but we have to keep firing." another shouted.

The turret raised and the soldiers ducked down, as they fired the missiles, that flew up and an explosion rang out.

"They are getting past the line." a voice shouted over the radio. Suddenly a whistling was heard, then something slammed down near the group of MIM-72s. Soldiers grabbed their rifles, nervous, as a hatch opened and stepping out was a animatronic President Washington.

"What the hell?" One asked, before the robot raised a hand Gatling gun and began to crank it, opening fire. Ducking for cover, soldiers hid as they tried to not get shot.

"We hold these truths to be self evident." it said, as it continued to fire. 

A few grenades were thrown, having the explosives knock them. The soldiers moved and opened fire on the gears on the back.

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