To Fix the Union

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Reagan was sitting at his desk, looking at the cameras that were in the Oval Office, he took a few Jelly Beans and chewed on them, was he waited, it was at least a bit more calming, compared to smoking, though.....times like these, he wish he had one.

"Mister President, are you sure about this?" a secretary asked, looking at the notes she had proof read for Reagan, she was now concerned, she typed up the notes and was scared. 

Reagan nodded, he needed to make this announcement after he got the call from Iowa, the team he had sent up was back....and made disturbing discoveries, unsettling ones at that. 

-earlier that day-

A call came in to the secretary, and was routed to his phone. Reagan would pick up the phone, the call was from the Governor's office.

"This is the President, Is this governor Branstad?" He asked.

"Sorry Mister President, it's not the governor, it's Nelson Collins, I have to report, Columbia is noted itself as a state that seceded from the union, and seems to be under control of a Klan like Organization with an ideology that is similar to that of the Confederate states. The city is armed, and is on approach of Chicago. You need to order an evacuation of the city and deploy forces to defend the city, sir." Nelson explained, his voice nervous.

"Nelson, give me a recap of the events in the city, what did you learn?" Reagan asked, wanting to know as much as he could, before he announced what was happening to the nation....and to the world as well.

There was a sigh, before the phone was handed over to Holly Montoya.

"Mister President. Columbia seems to be a flying city from a different version of history. The City was made for the Chicago World Fair, and played part in the Boxer Insurrection. They leveled the city. I'm not even sure what to tell you about the fact we found a religious order who seem like the Klan, but....Christ, I don't know how else to describe than other than free-mason like. 

There are also just drinks that give you powers. Myself and Hopkins drank a full dose, it seems like it may be permanent. We have a sample of a type, we do not know the effect, we know it charges with smelling salts, as they have a limit or sorts, we need to do testing to determine what it is that is used.

On a technological level, they are....weird. The buildings as we could see are suspended by jets, balloons and propellers. They have what I could only describe as the ability to create advanced prosthetic limbs to whole bodies. They also have automatic weapons in pistol caliber, and semi-automatic pistols, and Great War era weaponry, yet also having advanced robotics." Holly explained.

"And what happened up there?" Reagan asked.

"Sorry, Mister President. Upon arrival to the city, we made out way through the streets and would reach a fair that was going on. On our way, we had received a telegram to us specifically. It was a warning, no clue who sent it. The fiar was our first observation of more advanced technology and the Power giving drinks, that are known as Vigors. I myself had been threatened verbally, but I kept my calm. We had spent a short time at the carnival, and we would then go to where a Raffle was being held. When the Presenter, a man named Fink pulled the winning ball, the prize was the first throw, at a couple who were restrained. 

It was my fault for the situation, I could not allow such an event to occur, and attempted to stop the event, I had drawn my side arm, and ordered a containment of the crowd, as I attempted to rescue the couple. We were rescued by an armed group of rebels to the city's government, and would eventually be aided by a disgraced soldier, after a fight with an individual known as a Fireman, who seemed to be with fire based abilities, given to him by a drink known as Devil's Kiss, one that I had drank, it gave me a hallucination after I drank it, though so far I have had no side effects other than that.....along with now having a control over fire that I produce. We made our way to a safe house, where we waited for the active search to end in our area, when we encounter a structure that was organized by the Klan like group." Holly continued.

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