Planning and Spying

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Fink was lucky. He had made a long range radio jammer, so the signals coming in on the radios, were local. This didn't cover everywhere he still needed to build more, but for the mean time, the City and Finkton. He still needed more near Soldier's Field.

He had set them up on Zepplins so that they would patrol the edges of the districts, as security was increasing. The signals blocked radio signals from one direction, and they circled the districts, fairly tightly.

However, you can stop the signals on the radio, but to stop people from seeing something out of their window, that's hard, especially when they are loud. I had foremen asking what they were, confused. Outside of my office, both foremen and and workers were trying to figure out what was happening.

He would need to address the common folk soon, the district PA system would be a good way to start. He walked over to the microphone, and plugged it into the district wide channel.

"Attention. Attention. I am Jeramiah Fink, you all know that I do not speak over the entire district, unless it is important. I am aware that you all heard rumors, of flying machines, I bet some of you may be nervous, but don't you worry. It is all under control, it just seems those boys down below us are just following us around, trying to see what new ideas they can get from their betters.

This isn't anything you need to fear. Just keep up with the quotas, enjoy the housing I provide, and you will do just fine. And Remember Simplicity is Beauty." He said

To the people in Finkton, this may be a bit....worrying, but most trusted Fink, he gave them everything they needed after all. Fink meanwhile, was planning something to welcome the Federal boys when they come, when ever that is, a pop up carnival in the city center. A Multi Day Raffle, he probably had some boys in the good times who had found some citizens who broke the civil codes of obedience, someone who liked their coffee like their women.

Elsewhere in Columbia, a different leader was working. She was with the various members of the Vox who had gathered in the hide out.

"We all saw those flying machines out there. We all saw those flags they fly. Since Fink and Comstock haven't claimed it's theirs. I think that clears up who it actually belongs to." Daisy started, looking around.

"Yeah, the Posh federals! Looks like they got fancy while we've been kept up here!" One shouted.

"Now we all know the weird things that happened. The power outage across the city made that clear. I have the same trust with the boys below, as I have for the founders, but I know one thing. Those boys below us, found us, and since Columbia left, they see us like they did those boys in the South did 50 some years ago." Daisy said, pointing out the window.

"We just need them to see us as the Yankees, and not the Greybacks." She stated, as she paced.

Some jeered at her, watching as she began to show why she was the leader.

"Who are the founders. I think you all know. They are the White man, the Richman, the man without Pity. Who are their gods? Oh that's easy. Comstock is the prophet, but their gods are clear. Washington. Jefferson. Franklin. Whitemen, who took their power from others and made their own, while suppressing others. It's clear what we need to do." She said, smiling just a little bit.

"Let us show them our own. The founders have built on their gods' heads in the sky. We'll put their heads up with them, on PIKES!" She shouted, earning a short applause from the vox members.

She motioned to quiet them a bit, before smiling.

"I am saying we don't destroy the city, but we make the Feds change the city. These Federal Tin Men may as well be greatest weapon that could bring Columbia down, and let us rise up." Daisy said, raising her fist into the air.

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