Rush to Safety

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Holly and Nelson along with Britt, Cole, Hardy and Hopkins were securing the area.

"Can you tell me your names?" Nelson asked the couple.

"My name is Everette." the man said.

"My name is Eveline." the woman explained.

Nelson took off his coat and handed it to Eveline.

"We are going back to the Chinook." Holly said.

"Where ever we go, they probably have that place locked down." Judith said, looking around.

"Come on, this way, Britt, Cole, up front, Hopkins, cover the back." Nelson said, as he moved the pair off the stage. 

Hardy put the radio on his back and joined the group. Supporters of the Vox joined them, turning the group of 8, to a group of 16.

"This way. You can call your flying machine once we are somewhere safe." Judith said.

"Look out, cops on the sky lines." one of the vox said, before they took aim, firing a barrage of pistols shots at 5 cops. 

Two were caught by the barrage, dying as their body just traveled along the skyway. Hopkins and Hardy took aim, taking carful shots, injuring two  before the last one hopped down, swinging with a club at Nelson, who caught the arm, and flipped him over his shoulder, before repeatedly striking the man in the face.

"Well I'll be. That almost looked like what those eastern fight clubs in lower Finkton use." One said, as Nelson got up.

"You got somewhere for us to go. Where is it?" Nelson asked.

The sound of a whirling noise and then a slow machinegun began to fire, taking out a vox member.

"Stay back." Cole said.

Hopkin remembered the video, before he felt....a tingling in his hand. He pulled his arm back, like was about to throw a knife. As he carried through with the motion, a ghostly figured shot from his arm and wrapped around the turret he could barely see. The light glowed green, before Hopkin stepped out.

"Huh, Britt, get a grenade up there while it's not shooting at us." Hopkin said.

"Good idea." Britt said, tossing a grenade, and as it landed, the grenade exploded, blasting apart the turret.

"Good work, lads, if you see some salts for the man." Judith explained, before more cops showed up, and everyone got in cover. 

Nelson took a few shots, before Hardy and Cole began to lay direct shots, striking down a few of the pistol carrying cops.

"Keep moving, make sure you stick to cover, and don't get flanked." Holly shouted, as two Vox members slid behind a fruit cart. Machine gun fire began again, and everyone knew that meant a second turret was there. Britt and Hopkins moved, trying to get an line of fire, when they did. A few well placed shots disabled the gun, making it fall over.

There was a whistle blown, and the police began to pull back.

"The Fireman's been called!" one shouted.

"The Fireman is on his way!" Another shouted.

"You will burn for this VOX!" third shouted.

The members of the Vox, some nervous.

"Oh crap."

"They called in a fireman. We better get out of here before they arrive." 

"Who's that?" Nelson asked.

"One of the sons of bitches who burned more of our brothas and sistas alive at the behest of the founders. They have a vigor, known as Devil's kiss, nice and hot, burns bright." Judith explained, as the team made it way down the road.

"Let's just hope we get ahead before he gets here." one vox member said, reaching a gate, before the gate was blown open, in a blast of fire, leaving a skeleton, that collapsed.

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