To be Illuminated by Fools

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Nelson and Holly would look at the card.

"Raffle? There must be one at the fair that's going on. Squad, keep an eye open, if you see any thing that may show......problems, note it. I have some feelings that there are more eyes on us, and they aren't looking at the clothing or weapons." Holly said, putting the card in her pocket. 

One soldier walked over towards a telescope that was set up along a railing. As he put his eyes to the lenses, he looked around. As he began to lower the telescope, he saw a man juggling, with a woman standing next to him, watching. 

As he looked where they were standing, he saw that they were gone.

"What in the world? I swore I saw them." He said to himself, before he rejoined the group. As they walked along heard the sounds of associated with a fair. Everyone noticed a poster. 

"Marlow's patented Vigors Murder of Crows "Proven Deterrent Against Hooligans." it showed a man holding a bottle that had a stylized crow head cap top, with a unique logo of a crow with a knife in it's mouth. 

Holly pulled from a pocket a small object, before she raised it to her eye, and pressed a button, turning a small rotator wheel.

"Is that a spy camera?" Nelson asked.

"It's was easy to get, I made it apart of the requisition order before we departed." Holly said.

"Smart." One soldier said, before looking at another, for one called "Bucking Bronco", this bottle had a man riding a horse as the bottle topper. More posters were seen, as a spinning advertisement in the shape of bottles advertised "Devil's kiss" "Possession" "Murder of Crows" and "Bucking Bronco".

"Vigors? Must be some snake oil scheme of medicine or something like that." Holly said, as she looked at a sign reading "Life with Vigor is a life that's bigger" and showed a man holding a lightbulb, shooting lighting from his fingers

They heard a barker advertising, "If I told you a man could hoist a One Ton Stallion into the air, would you believe me? Well friends, I am here today to tell, those are no flights of fancy, Those are no tall tales told behind the poolhall. No Sir. No Ma'am. Those are VIGORS I'm talking about, brought to you courteously by mister Jeramiah Fink Himself." He advertised, as two men dressed like devil clowns were holding fire from their hands, summoned lighting that arched between his separated hands, made the other levitate, and had a green apparition dance with the partner.

"I don't think that is much of a snake oil now." Private Britt said.

Holly took a photo of the booth, before they moved along, seeing a booth, with "Cast out the Devil" over it.

"You there dressed all odd. You must be new. Come, try out the amazing power of bucking bronco." the barker said.

"Why not. Let's see what this is like." Nelson said, walking up to the booth, before he picked up a small bottle, with a cork on it. Pulling it free, he drank the contents and gagged.

"DEAR SWEET CHRIST, that is like root beer that's been out at sea for months and mixed with cough syrup! Jesus, I need a chaser for that." Nelson said, holding his hand as it felt a bit of pain, seeing what looked like cracks on his hand.

"What the? What's going on? What did I just drink?" He asked, as he heard horses in the distance, before the cracks vanished.

"Well my good man, all you need to do is cast out the devil before he harms the kind lady and her babe." The Barger said, as a "flame" curtain rose and obscured the room. The curtain lowered and Nelson looked around. 

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